
Teachers out there... please advise?

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I got laid off from my job. I am thinking about becoming a teacher(elementary school teacher). But I'd like to know what it's like to be a teacher. I live in Chicago area. My only concern is I have hard time getting up early in the morning. If I teach PM class for kindergarten do I get to go to work late? then do I get paid less? I'm not sure if elementary school has PM school like kindergarten. and besides this, just in general what is it like to be a teacher? I like kids... :)




  1. Teaching is a pretty pressured job nowadays, as someone else said. I also don't like getting up early, but you can get use to it (I did). I haven't heard of half day kinder, but I know a lot of pre-schools are half day, although that usually just means you teach 2 different classes of students, one in the am and one in the pm.

    I second the idea of become a teacher aid first. Also, you might could be a substitute teacher for a while. Its not as much commitment and you could get a feel for how working in a school is. However, kids are usually rowdier for subs, plus, not all teachers prepare materials and activities for subs, but it would be good experience.

  2. I would suggest being a teacher aide first. This will give you a good idea on the atmosphere and if it would be something you would like to do.

  3. If you teach kindergarten, you teach an AM and a PM class.  You will have to wake up in the morning no matter what grade you teach.  It is difficult to get teaching jobs in Elementary Education, so if you don't want to wake up early, and if you are picky about which job you take, this would not be a good career to pursue.  Teaching is a lot of work, but it is very rewarding.  Kids are great because they don't judge you.

  4. Hello!

    As a new teacher, you will find it the most rewarding job you will ever have.  There is nothing I would rather do!  It is a lot of work... I won't pretend it's not.  But I look at my job not as a job, but as a chance to help kids learn.  If you are willing to do the work, you should go for it!  

    If you teach half-time kindergarten, I believe that you will make half-time pay.  You would also have to be certified in early childhood, so you couldn't go above 3rd grade (double-check that, it could be 2nd, not sure).  I myself and a 4th grade teacher, and I couldn't be happier about what I chose to do with my profession!

    Hope this helps,


  5. its the *kids* who have the pm slot - you are a teacher and expected to be there.

  6. Don't you have to go to teachers collage to be a teacher?

  7. Teaching is not a fall back job.  You should really want to work with young children - so it is good that you like children.  Teachers have to be at school EVERY morning and work until school is out in the late afternoon.  I have never heard of an afternoons only job at a school - except in after school programs.  In elementary school, you must be proficient in almost every subject - you say you got laid off from your job - what was your previous job and how does that translate into a teaching position.  Teachers have to be certified and one can get alternative certification (in Texas you must take a test in the subject you want to teach - to become certified).  The best way to start is to visit the State Education Agency in your state and research what it takes to be able to teach in Chicago.  You might also visit the website of the district in which you want to teach - look for requirements, job openings, etc.  Good luck.

  8. Do you know what the requirements are for a teacher in Chicago?  Assuming that you have met those requirements or are willing to meet them, I think you should really reconsider the getting up early in the morning thing.  First of all, your credential will be k-8, so you have no idea what grade you'll be given and even if you get kinder, they can move you at will.  I'm not sure about where you live, but in my district, kinder is now all day, but even when it wasn't, the pm teacher still had to be there in the am.  I worked in another job for about 10 years before I was a teacher.  If any type of emergency came up, I could call in a be a little late.  You cannot do that with teaching.  There is a line up of kids waiting for you.  Typically, you have to be on campus 30 minutes before school starts.  After that, being late means that the principal knows and someone has to cover you.  It's a BIG deal.  Being a teacher is one of those things that is Wonderful if that is what you are meant to do.  It is a Nightmare if you are not meant to do it.  All of the things that can be great about it can be very hard if you do not like the job.  Have you worked with kids before.  Parents?  Are you aware of all the high stakes testing going on in education?  It's a very high pressure situation now.  Your love for what you are doing has to be strong enough to outweigh the other pressures.

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