
Teachers say my 5 yr old son is mean to girls at school?

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He pulls their hair everyday and kicks the girls in the ankles?

I don't know where he learned to be so mean to girls??

I'm not sure if we can pay for an expensive psychologist.




  1. Tell him girls really get abused like that and it is not funny. Stop the problem now because now he has about the name amount of strength as girls but when he is older he will be stronger and really hurt them

  2. Be a parent and discipline your child like the rest of the world does. Teach your child that it is unacceptable to do as he does!!

  3. Children at this age act out what they learn in the home.  What does he watch on television?  Who treats females badly in your home?  Who do you allow into your home who treats females badly?

  4. You need to get on top of it ASAP and correct it.  I don't think a psychologist should be your first and only resort.

    Sit down to him and have a long conversation with him.  Also, if he is treating the girls this way, why isn't the staff doing anything? If he is assaulting (and yes it is assault) girls, he should be punish, either a detention or suspension. He needs to be corrected as soon as he misbehaves.   But you need to nip this in the butt as well.

    Nicole has a point, is their discipline in the house? If not, then there is your problem. He thinks he can get away with it with no consequences to him.

  5. He didn't learn to do this in a vacuum. Check the example of his father. Check your example. See if he is seeing something on TV, in the neighborhood, etc.

    If you are a decent mother your passion are high and very pro you son. It is extremely advisable to get a neutral third party to examine this. If not a councilor or a child psychologist, then some one with good experience with children and logical.

  6. What you need is some old fashioned discipline, you don't need a psychologist.

  7. He is 5 give him a break.Hes just started school and hes just now starting to c girls more.U do need to lay down the line.

  8. ground him from his action figures and say no bad boy

  9. Before deciding that your son is the problem, spend some time (several days) observing your son at school.  There is every possibility that he is being teased and is just trying to stand up for himself.  Often, bullies will instigate the victim to lash out.  Of course, bullies can be clever kids and never instigate within hearing distance of a teacher.

    I have a friend whose child got in constant trouble for hitting another girl.   Turned out the other girl would lean over and whisper, "Your mommy is ugly."  My friend taught her daughter to deal with the teasing.

    Here is useful website for you:

    Be well.

  10. Sit down and talk to him about it.

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