
Teachers...what do you think about praise??

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I have been doing research about praise. I would like to know how other people feel about praising their students. Should we praise or not? Should we use positive reinforcement? What about behavior modification? Especially for the younger children such as we praise or let them learn by choices and consequences? Thanks for your opinions!!




  1. I think praise is important, but you don't have to praise for every little thing.  You'll find, though, when you are teaching, that you have a few students you are always getting on to for one reason or another.  These are students that you have to find them doing something right in order to give them that little boost that they may need.  I do not believe in degrading students and making them feel bad for choices that they made.  I do believe in allowing them the ability to make some errors in judgement.  It's just a balancing act.

  2. We give them sincere praise. We never go over board, after all we're preparing them for the real world. Think about it, no boss is going to follow an employee around all day in a constant state of patting for every accomplishment. Again praise or the lack of it can even be used to modify bad behavior. Children want approval and not surprisingly will work hard to please their teachers.

  3. Yes, praise is absolutely necessary but it must be sincere.  Being positive is just as important!

  4. You should praise only at the comfort of other students. Try not to continously praise a few students, mix it up. Remember, the goal of praising is to motiviate; it should never discourage other students. As a teacher you will be able to determine what level of praising  your students are comfortable with.

  5. I think praise is best-used when it is sincere and for something meaningful.  I feel it can drastically be overdone.  To praise a child because he spelled one word correctly shouldn't be exaggerated: saying "Good" or "okay" is fine, but saying "Gee, that was a fantastic job, you really know how to spell" is overdone in my view.  For Pete's sake, he just spelled one word correctly, not a hundred words!  So praise is important, but let me tell you when you might want to go perhaps a bit overboard: at Parent-Teacher conferences when the child is present.  Now that's meaningful!

  6. some kids deserve it.  others don't.

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