
Teachers- what do you think when.......?

by Guest66867  |  earlier

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if a female student asks to go to the bathroom everyday, do you automatically asume they are on their period, or would you rather them tell you. if so, how would you like them to tell you. is this weird for you? i feel really weird telling my teachers why i need to go to the bathroom, and i am afraid they won't understand. and how many teachers let their students go to the bathroom.(even if it is not for that reason)

thx a bunch!! =]]




  1. It would be far more awkward for both you and the teacher if you tried to explain exactly why you were going to the bathroom.  However, you should certainly not be going to the bathroom every day during class.  I agree with Ima Vegan that I would very much prefer that students go before or after, not during, class.  However, I know that some teens have very uneven periods, and so if you were to have an emergency and need to go during class once, or even twice a month, I would understand.  Every day, though, sounds very unrealistic.

  2. If any student raises their hand and asks to be excused to use the rest room, it is an average request. Depending on the frequency, we may feel that something is amiss. Attempt to use the facilities when you are not in a class, during passing or lunch, but of course that isn't always the option.

    Judge the initial reaction of the teacher, and their response. If they begin to stop letting you go, try to wait a few minutes until there is some quite time where you would work alone and not during tests or class projects. If you are allowed to, quietly walk up to the teacher when they are not busy and ask them if you can go. We don't need to necessarily know why, but if you are quiet and respectful, then it shouldn't make a difference.

    If you are actually having problems due to human bodily functions, which we all have, then you are entitled to take care of them like the rest of us, but try to be considerate of the class tasks at hand. We work very hard to plan our curriculum to account for the short amount of time we have, so polite students should really see no reason to have to explain unless your school has set parameters that force teachers to refuse letting you go. In this case, talk to your parents, or a guidance counselor before you talk directly to the teacher.

  3. If the same student asked to go every day in my class, I would assume she was trying to cut class.  If it's an occasional thing, that's fine - it's a bodily function, we've all got to do it.

    I would really prefer not to know when my students are having their periods, in the same way that I don't share that with them.  If it's possible for you to go during a break, do so...otherwise, just ask for a pass when your teacher is done with their lesson.  :)

  4. if u tell them u have 2 go 2 the ladies room n they say no

    tell them the truth u have ur period but not out loud

    only tell them if its a women not 2 a man

  5. I prefer that students go to the bathroom during lunch, nutrition break, or passing periods.

    If a girl asks to go to the bathroom every day, I assume that she is trying to get out of my class to make a phone call or see a friend or smoke a cigarette.  We don't tend to trust students because students are constantly abusing our trust and it makes me feel hurt when I'm lied to repeatedly.  I am, to the shock of most young people, a human being.

    I don't need to know when a girl is on her period (would you want your teacher to tell you when she is?), but it doesn't bother me when they do.

  6. Just tell them you have to go to the ladies room. You don't have to go into detail. If I was told I could not go to the ladies room I would go anyway and then go down the office to call my mother. If you have to go, you have to go. AND we don't always have to go during lunch or break.

  7. I taught for 3 years... As a man I struggled with this because I never knew if females were telling the truth or using it as an excuse. Teachers hate letting kids out of their room because it's a liability. If they won't let you tell them you must go it's an emergency. Once finished, talk to a guidance counselor or fellow female employee and ask them to write you a pass back to class.          God Bless

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