
Teachers...why do you love working with children?

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I work with children & was asked this question & I found myself sort of baffled. I mean, I totally love what I do but I couldn't think of a profound answer to this question. how would you answer it???




  1. Where else can you work where you work with people who don't judge you... Love you as you are...   Make you smile everyday...  Have the ability to make you laugh and cry all in the same breath (like a best friend would)...  Let you remember how to have mindless fun....    

    Kids teach us patience, virtue, the value of friendship, peace, calm, the value of time....

    I especially love the pre-k and kindergarten ages.  I had a little girl crawl into my lap during circle time and say "Mrs C I like you... You feel like a Mommy".  

  2. i love experiencing the uniqueness of each child.

    i love the laughter of children. we laugh on a daily basis.

    children make the trivial things in life seem not so trivial.

    children offer unconditional love.

    it's wonderful to know you are helping and making a change in someone else's life.

    it's amazing working with a child and watching them "get it."


    there's a million positives to working with children. hopefully you'll soon be able to self-evaluate and you too will find why you love your job.

    good luck! :)

  3. Every day, I do not go into work to see a boss that hates the job. I  go into work to see 30 people waiting to see me and share something with me.

    I do not go into work to get a pay check.  Trust me...if you saw my pay, I do NOT go to work to get a pay check.  I go to work to get something more valuable.

    I do not go to work to have an easy job.  I go to work to work hard, but love every outcome that comes from it.

    I do not go to work to please a board member, group of parents, or an administrator that is clueless about what my job really involves. I go to work to please 30 people who all are glad at the job I do and who genuinely want me to be there.


  4. It makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my life.  It gives my life meaning and is the next best thing to having children of my own.  Plus it's FUN.  I get to just relax and just be myself and act silly.  And it's always cool to be the most popular person in the room.  :)

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