
Teachers with tattoos?

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would it bother you if your teacher or your childs teacher had a tattoo? what if the tattoo was always covered, but for some reason you knew that the teacher had it? would that bother you?




  1. No...newsflash ...teachers are people who have families and private lives as well.

    Teachers are there to give our children formal education , not what life choices they should make . That is for parents ..... you know the people that are so engrossed in their own lives that they prefer to abdicate the responsibility for child rearing to anyone else but themselves.

    Teachers have a right to be who ever they want to be , providing it does not impact on the service they provide or the professional standard they provide to they can do what they want.

  2. Nah... no one cares now, I have a few teachers who have tattoos.  It makes them more human, and it's really cool to hear the stories behind them.  If anything,  it makes class more interesting.

  3. It would depend on what the tattoo was, and where it was located, similarly to a painting in a room.

    If it was an inappropriate painting, then obviously, yes I would find it offensive.  However, if it was a meaningful, or inoffesnive painting, then it'd be fine.  Tattoos are very similar to other artforms, and just because it is a tattoo, does not automatically mean it is bad, despite social stigmas.

    I have had all sorts of teachers, some of whom I have learned the most from, who have had tattoos, whether they were canadian flags, snakes, and tribal tattoos, although they were all covered 99% of the time.

  4. The teacher that I had, had tattoos and he would under stand us and was able to teach us better

  5. No it doesnt bother me.

    A few of my teachers had tattoos, even the ones that youwould think were least likely to have them.

    I think it should be covered though...

  6. No, because it's none of my business.  If it's covered, fine.  If it's not covered, then I hope it is inoffensive to contemporary socal mores.  Tatoos are a person's private expression.  (I won't criticize your tatoo if you don't criticize my fat.)  We have freedom of expression, within the limits of agreed-upon decency.

  7. No.  This is 2008.  I/we should not judge teachers or any other professionals because they choose to have body art.  I am a nurse and I know alot of good nurses (and teachers) with tatoos.

  8. No. I know of several teachers at my school who have tatoos. It's never bothered anyone that I know of.

  9. no. teachers are people too

  10. Who cares if a teacher has a tattoo.  As long the teacher can do a good job  TEACHING your child and treats everyone with the "Golden Rule" there should be no problem.

  11. No, we are people too. It should not bother anyone. If it does, then they need to get a grip on reality.

  12. Nope. Wouldn't bother me a bit. Teachers are people too! What they do in their free time is their business, as long as it doesn't interfere with my children's education. Outward appearences don't influence me one way or the other.

  13. it depends on the teacher!

    i go to a catholic school and ALL of my teachers have a "tramp stamp". I told my fav teacher (homeroom) about it and she was laughing she told the principal and all the teachers with the tatoos got talked to (kuz i gess its in the bible that u cannot perminetly rite on urself).

    so homeroom teacher duznt have one but if she did i think it would be pretty kool!

    i no imma tattle! but i only told on the MEENY HED teahcers!!!! Like my english teacher and the 3,4,5, grade teachers!! lol..........

  14. no. alot of my teachers had tattoos. my 5th grade teacher had a paw print and my 8th grade teacher had a lizard, and a bunch of others and had her belly pierced. we all thought they were soooo cool! but not offended or anything like that.

  15. no, it wouldn't bother me unless it was such a large tattoo that it could not be completely covered by clothing.

  16. where is it??

    *wink wink*

    will u show it to me??

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