
Teachers:How many students do you have in your class?

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I am a teacher in a more urban district and our class sizes are very large. I am interested to hear about your class. What grade you teach and how many students you have? Thanks!




  1. I teach seventh grade and my classes for next year will have 25 students in each.

  2. In most CA school districts, the cap is 20 on grades 1-3 and then goes up to 34 so most 4th & 5th grade classes have 30-34 students and middle school has up to 38 per class.

    My first district allowed up to 32 in Kinder and the WORST days subbing I ever had were trying to deal with 32 five year olds all by myself with no aids or help, far worse than middle school!

  3. I teach in a suburban school district in a relatively well-off area.  (Though we have finally been reached by the financial crisis...)

    I teach 3rd grade currently -

    First year - 24

    Second year - 23

    Third year - 23

    Fourth year - 22

    Fifth year - 23

    I believe they cap K/1 @ 22, 2/3 @ 24, 4/5 @ 26 - however, these caps are just in place for the start of the year.  Usually by November there are some overages.

  4. I teach at a catholic school in a small town in illinois, and I am currently teaching first grade in a self contained classroom...this year I have 6 students in my classroom! Last year I had 15 students.  

  5. WELL im a student we used to have 34 kids in eack class but the district made us cut our classes to 26 and im about to go in 7th grade and i dont know many people well have in our class  

  6.   I teach mathematics and i am teaching 8 grade the students are only 13 ,it is not hard teaching them.

  7. well im not a teacher but last year we had  21 students and 5th grade

  8. 12 kids in my class. I taught special ed grades 4-5 with learning disabilities.

    This year also 12 kids, same type of class but at a lower grade level.

    I teach in an urban district in NY.

  9. About 20 (I'm a student)

  10. I teach high school physics... my smallest class last year had 7 students, and my largest had 26.  Hopefully, this year I won't have any more than about 20 to a class since an additional science teacher was hired for this year.

  11. r u sure that u r a teacher cuz this is a dumb question. use common sense

  12. This past year I had:

    36 in my advanced 8th grade math class (Algebra)

    29 in my largest regular 8th grade math class

  13. 7/8th grade

    standard algebra 30

    hons alg about 28

  14. Although i am in a special needs school my class will have 10 in this year with 2 lsa's year 5 and 6.

  15. I'm a first grade teacher in an inner-city school. Through the year, my class is capped at 22 students. In May, however, the cap is lifted and the numbers can increase. I don't think I've had more than 24 students on my roster at one time.

    I must add that, while these numbers may seem small to some, my classroom can really only hold about 22 students. It's a bit cramped. :(

  16. Grade 8

    Social Studies


  17. I have 21 students in my 3rd grade class.  

  18. Grade 4

    First year: 22

    Last year: 14

    This year:  18

    VERY small room - only room for about 18 desks and no room for anything else.

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