
Teachin Handball tips?

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Im teaching handball in my college sports class in a month or so. What kind of drills can i do or things can i teach to make it a good lesson?




  1. Make sure all the guys are wearing a jock and cup

  2. 1. There is the take two-three steps then jump (from the dotted line, as that is better during training).

    2. Have two people standing side to side in front of the half moon line. Then players take turns jumping and shooting over/between them.  It is optional whether the two individuals standing side are holding their hands up.

    3. Penalty shots

    4. Passing

    5. Bouncing

    6. Formations (but I'm sure you've got that all figured out)

    7. Can't remember anything else except some defence strategies

    I really hope you're talking about court handball. because there is another sport with a similar name where you hit the ball against the wall.
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