
Teaching 5th grader how to study?

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My daughter is in 5th grade and has started to slack off in studying (aka not doing so for tests and because of this her grades are suffering). If she would so much as look at her notes she would know the answers to the test because the teacher creates test questions directly from the notes. I wanted to kind of propose a carrot and stick like program. I will allow my daughter to study however she wants but if she gets below a 75% then she is grownded for everyday she knew about the test (normally 5 days) on the otherside if she gets a 96% or above she can have a sleepover/ movie night with her friends. Would this help? How do you encourage your children to study?




  1. Thats a great idea!

  2. I had the same problem when I was in 5th grade. I didn't study much. So my mom talked to the teacher and or guidance councelor and looked at the stuff I was learning in class. My mom found a few problems on what we were working on in our text books and the internet.

    She talked to me and the counselor and started a study plan on when to study and do homework and how long to do it. Try to teach her the correct way to study.

    Re-read problems. Tell her to ask the teacher  for the homework to see which problems she did wrong and make sure she goes over them until she understands.

  3. hmm if you know why than you could, what about above 90% for a sleep over? Just set an hour a night for homework/study and if she cant do anything but that for the hour, if she still doesnt use the time alocated than maybe you need to ground her.

  4. Tell her she won't be grounded if she gets a good grade and one sleep over a month.

    You give her to many rewards she will think the world owes her a living for every little thing she does.

    You also need to make her realize the value of a dollar.

    Make her work all week doing chores, pay her little the first time.She will be angry and upset.This is NORMAL.

    You THEN explain to her that is what she is to expect when she goes to work with nothing but a high school diploma.If she wants to make GOOD money she will have to get a degree from college.This will hit home for her and give her an incentive to get an education.

  5. a 96 is kind of high for a reward. you definitely need to reward her when she does well but how about a little lower like 92.

  6. allow her to study with a friend that is a good student.

  7. For me what worked was to sit down and do homework with the 5th grader. Make it fun, show that you think it is fun to complete projects and homework. You may also go in and talk to the teacher about how to help your daughter make homework less of a chore and more of an accomplishment. If the teacher knows you are trying to work with your daughter often the teacher will show extra interest in helping her enjoy school. Yes the rewards are a good idea, but don't use them as a "crutch" you want your daughter to "want" to do homework not only for rewards. One other idea would be to take her to a college campus, my parents did this with me and once I saw how "fun" college was i wanted to do well in school to be able to get scholarships! (Maybe even a college visit day where she could stay the night in a dorm.) Good luck!  

  8. Make flashcards with her and quiz her before the tests come up. Then, she'll learn to do it on her own. Looking at notes does nothing to help kids learn. She either knows the information or she doesn't. Seeing it and verbalizing it with you and being able to explain it to her may really help things.  

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