
Teaching English/ Studying Abroad?

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I'm 17and a Junior in HS. I dont think im going to go anywhere in life. I dont know what I want to do. I was thinking I could join the military but I talked to a recruiter online and I cant because i'm g*y AND bipolar. I have always wanted to move out of the united states for good. I would like to live in a place like Germany or Korea or Thialand. I dont really want to stay around Kansas for college so I was wondering if I could get a certificate and go teach and attend college at the same time somewhere or something. I know private tutoring is better and I heard without a degree you cant build a future teaching english or anything else really. Also could I go to a state college here but spend most of it in another country? Maybe enroll in college in Kansas, go to school in Asia...and pivate tutor a little bit ( i heard its smilegal) for some extra money. Looking for feedback please!




  1. check out  it has a job posting board with a lot of jobs all over the world.  Korea is hiring big time and the website also helps you find certification websites.  You can also research colleges in the area of where you will be teaching ESL and just apply through that college...make sure it is accredited.  If it is not accredited, it will not be accepted in the states.  If you apply to a college in the states and go through them for a study abroad program, you will end up paying double least that is what happened to me.  I currently teach ESL in North Carolina and I don't have certification just a BA degree.  I am applying to a University of Costa Rica for a Master's program and while I am there, I will be teaching ESL part-time.  Check out that site and good luck!

  2. To study and live abroad, particularly in Asia with what you describe; I would suggest you not even think about it. Go to a more liberal area  in the States if you must go someplace, and continue with your education.

    If you are comfortable with superficial acceptance and somewhat alienation in depth, that is what you will find in Asia. And, that is just for starters; language, class, and culture are to be considered. Horror stories abound, they're just never heard of. If one is fortunate, it is an exceedingly interesting life.

    Look at it this way, when there is international testing, Asians come out, regardless of the country, in the very top percentile. Americans come out near the bottom. Life is competitive and the requirements more stringent for foreigners "migrating" to Asia.

    However, if you have a vastly unique skill and superb mind, things have a way of opening up with unusual opportunities. On the other hand, bipolar could end up in some dark alley in a mess without an exit ~ as a figure of speech.

  3. I would say look into applying to a foreign univerisity.  Studying abroad you would still be entitled to financial aide from the government, which would make it easier to pay for it.  Most European universities(at least in Germany and France) cost a lot less than universities in the United States anyway.  As far as working, I'm sure that getting a job as a tutor or english teacher would be easy once there.  

    Good luck!

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