
Teaching Englsih with different grade levels for special ed.?

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When teaching a 4th and 5th grade english class would you do the same thing using both books or save extra things for the 4th grade because you'll have them the following year?




  1. thats a hard one...u cant forget about the 5th say use the same books but give different lessons to seperate the 2 levels and have one side doing something while the other is doing something else.

  2. you must first remember that there are specific curicullum goals for 4th grade that are different from 5th grade students. You have to address the esential elements of the standard curricullum.  I try to develop higher order thinking with older students.  Using the same lessons works on most occasions with a little tweak in the lesson objective

  3. Depends on the particualr students. Some of the 4th graders may actually understand the concepts and be able to read the 5th grade books. Some of the 5th graders may not.

    Try doing the same thing with both books. The 4th grade book will probably have slighly simpler ideas etc in it so the work won't be as hard even with the same type of work used for the 5th graders one. The 4th graders then learn early what is involved.

    If however you think that some things may be too hard for the 4th graders include them as a challenge on their work. They don't have to do them but they can try.

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