
Teaching Fellows?

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I was recently chosen as a Teaching Fellow. Please...tell me all you know. I would love to be as prepared for the program as possible. Thank you:D




  1. Congrats on the scholarship.  Knowing what I do now, I am kind of glad that I did not participate in the program.  Free education and free trips are great but not if they do not agree with your personal beliefs regarding homosexuality and socialistic ideals, among others.    I am not a dire hard conservative, but keep your eyes wide open when participating in their activities.  Based on what I've seen and heard our legislators would hit the roof on what they seem to push.  Again, a sincere congrats on the scholarship.  I really don't want to you to feel attacked.  I'm just trying to convey what I've seen others go through.

  2. it definitely depends on where you are going to teach.  be prepared that you will be put in the schools that have the hardest time finding teachers and keeping teachers.  focus a lot on your classroom management.  you will need to break up your time into smaller chunks, and make sure the in between time is done doing fun activities...even a short two minute game of 20 questions, etc.  you will most likely get students who not only need help with academics, but you will need to convince them to put an effort into it.  

    i'm an inner city teacher, and i try to make sure they do at least one game a day.  i have velcro darts, and often quiz them...if they get the question right, they can take three throws.  the top three scores wins a prize (like a pencil or something simple).  if they act up, they cannot play.  

    and whatever you do, use lots of praise.  find SOMETHING to praise a student can be hard to remember to do this, but it can really make your day.  just starting off with "i like the way _______ is ready for Reading..." will get some of the others to join in.  

    don't give up.  a lot of the students you will teach are used to teachers going in and out, so they do have trust issues.  the longer you stay, the better it will get.  

    you will need to be firm as well.  follow through with whatever you say.  they may not like it, but they will respect it eventually.  

    good luck!
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