
Teaching Preschool Kids?

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I'm going to school to become a teacher. In two weeks I have interview with the Education Board and I have to present a video to them of me teaching. I work at a preschool in the afternoons (we don't really teach then, just let the kids play and do some art) and I'm planning to tape myself there. Many of the kids in my class are from foster homes or had abusive parents and are now with their grandparents so most of them don't know how to recognize their letters/numbers yet. I was wonder what kind of lesson would be good for me to teach them? I had thought about reading them a story, letting them predict what might happen next, and then let them drawpictures of the story. I'd really like to do something more creative though. Any ideas would be GREATLY appriciated. Thanks in advance.




  1. I would recommend that you read a story with very predictable "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." As you read the story encourage them to predict which animal would come next. For example...for brown they can guess it will be a dog, a horse...etc. Then you can have the children each pick a picture of one of the animals. They would color the picture and the teacher would fill in the blanks to:

         Brown Bear, Brown, Bear.

         What do you see?

         I see a _________  _____________

         Looking at me.

    You can use the pictures to make a bulletin board display or make a book with all the pages after you have them laminated. The children will enjoy reading the book over and over throughout the year.

  2. Hope none of your staff or any of the parents of kids from your class see this question and realize that it's you that asked it. You have stepped on a lot of toes and released some information that probably shouldn't have been released. If I were one of those parents, I'd probably take my kid out of such a class that you just described, based on what you just wrote. Will all the abusive parents from Tara's preschool please stand up..... (get my meaning?)

  3. Teaching preschool children doesn't really involve lessons.

    Children at that age learn throught play so i think interacting with them and guiding their behaviour would be a good start. Maybe show yourself in a circle or doing problem solving with children. i think most places just want to know how you interact with a child.

    I know this isnt part of your question but i wouldnt worry about them not recognizing their letters / numers yet. If you make it meaningful it will come. I know that i dont like sitting at home memorizing things and i doubt a 3 or 4 year old does either. You could start with name games or songs in circle. Put up names and words on their cubbies and all the activities in the class room (have a picture of a water table and the words saying water table). Emphasize birthdays or days of the month. Have children be the 'weather boy/girl" they'll day the day and the weather or something.

    Good luck!

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