
Teaching assistant interviews,help!!!?

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Hi there i have 2 teaching assistant interviews next week,1 asking me to work with a group of year 5/6 children for 15mins to show my communicating skills and relationship skills,the other interview asking me to bring in a interesting object to talk to four year 4 children about for 15mins,can anyone help?

The first job is to work witha special needs child full time,the second is special needs in class supporting children and assisting the teacher,would really appeciate any ideas,

many thanks





  1. Try to bring in something that's educational as well as interesting. It's also good if they can pass it around and do something with it - it will help them stay focused for longer. I'd bring in something like a more advanced calculator than they currently use, a voice recorder (you can show them how it works and then let them record themselves reading out loud - it's good for them to hear that anyway), or some other electronic gadget that does something interesting.

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