
Teaching children about global warming is important, but what are your thoughts on this method?

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An ABC website has been accused of portraying farmers and forestry workers as evil and telling kids how much carbon they can produce before they die.

The site has several features including a cartoon series, Adventures of Greena, and a tool called Prof Schpinkee’s Greenhouse Calculator to help kids work out their carbon footprint.

The calculator lets users compare their own carbon output to the “average Aussie greenhouse pig” and estimates at what age a person should die so they don’t use more than their fair share of the Earth’s resources.

Too much carbon production causes a cartoon pig to explode, leaving behind a pool of blood.




  1. During my youth when I was a logger I was often called evil, all you can do is walk away. Hopefully responsible parents and responsible teachers will teach our youth about our environment and how to utilize are resources wisely.  These types of websites are only forums to spew hatred and misinformation.

  2. Is it not enough for the corporate media to brainwash ADULTS with fear?  .... now they want the children too?  They have no shame.

    I could not agree more with Iraquisax above me.  I hope you choose his answer for best answer.

  3. well, global warming is false (probably because I'm a republican), idk why so many ppl believe in it....oh yea i forgot, its because liberals are ignorant

  4. global warming is in fact an actual event that is occuring on a daily basis.the earth is going through changes as it is suppose to so many millions of years.i believe that we should teach our children to economize as much as possible and to think green,however;there is not much we can do about natural disaster.

  5. Teaching them what a theory is and the whole concept of scientific enquirer is infinitely more important.  Of course knowledge gained from that would put the kibosh on the new Eco-religious rational for many governments' planned exponential increase based 'green tax' plans.

  6. "is it appropriate for a website obviously geared towards kids to depict people who are average Australians as massive overweight ugly pigs, oozing slime from their mouths, and then to have these pigs blow up in a mass of blood and guts?”

    wow cool!

    i think the name of the site, 'Planet Slayer' gives us an idea what to expect. all good gory fun, the kids will love it!

    edit; mark antony, there are tree huggers that really dont get the idea of sustainable forestry (but its killing the trees man....), but we are not all like that....

    i just saw this at the bottom of the page;



    hippies Says:

    May 27th, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    hey, i played with this stupid little thing, the only way to get your carbon footprint down to a level of the “green pig” is to say you invest a ton of money into “Green Companies” what a joke.


    hmmm not so good!

  7. I am very disturbed by this garbage!  I'm not sure what age of children we are talking about here - certainly older kids can use their own judgment, but younger ones shouldn't be subjected to this left wing c**p!!

  8. I would teach kids at an early age to be skeptical of anything that a politician says, especially it it is intended to increase his (or her) power.  Politicians make up the Criminal Class of every nation, because they often do whatever it takes to get elected.  Because of this fact, we need to be suspicious of them.

    Global Warming, like the "hole in the ozone layer, the nuclear winter, Y2K, the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty & c, are just wars on the freedoms of the American people.  While millions worry about these non problems, our politicians are destroying the Bill of Rights.  That should be our real concern.

  9. It certainly reminds me of the brown shirts.  Kids, in general, do not understand the issues very well.  They are being exploited by a political cause.  Children tend to be more liberal.  Paraphrasing Churchill, if a young person isn't liberal, he has no heart, and if an old person isn't conservative, he has no brain.  There is some truth to that saying but it is much better to teach children the truth, not indoctrinate them in the latest socialist propaganda.

  10. That sounds like the tactics a good liberal would use.  After all, ends justify means, right?

  11. Sounds a little messed up, but no more so than the same tactics used by various other causes and issues.

    I think when it comes to dealing with kids, the best judgments are made by individual parents and teachers, rather than federal bureaucracy's and the corporate media.

    Kids should know about environmental issues, and living sustainably, but you can do it in a way that emphasizes what to do, rather than what not to do as well as the good outcomes of doing something rather than the negative outcomes of doing nothing.

  12. Typical government indoctrination.

    Because of the public schools in america, children are being dumbed down. I think they try to do this so they can push stupid ideas like AGW on them without getting any questions asked.

  13. Hmm, yes that is rather harsh, but I like it :)

    I think it's insulting to the children to assume they've all got no backbone and will find this so terrible. It's important that kids understand this subject and what they need to do to help, and I think sometimes the brutal methods are the only way to go. The world is not a politically correct place, there's no point pretending to children through this ridiculous 'nanny state' that it is. Pessimistic I know but optimism ultimately leads to disappointment in this world!

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