
Teaching help please! ~*10 pts!*~?

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I'm in gr. 8, going into gr. 9. My cousin, who is going into gr. 7, is coming from Korea this summer to my house in North America. I speak fluent english, whereas she does not. How do I teach English to her? Verbally (most important), reading and writing. Any suggestions/methods/plans/outlines?




  1. You know what it's like when your teacher tells you something in your worst class and you really cant work out what they mean? Multiply this by ten and that's what your cousin will be going through! You know exactly what it's like! Smile a lot, yes? Speak...Very... Slowly... - And Repeat often, repeat often, repeat often - Still smiling!!! And show your respect and love for your cousin through your unfathomable patience and understanding about how it feels 'not to get it', while looking over your shoulder, 'everyone else seems to get it'! I hope this helps and you enjoy taking pleasure in explaining all those things your cousin will be so excited to get right, just like you in class!!! And please clap when your cousin does so!!! [And give me top score for this answer!] I am sure you will be a brilliant and wonderful teacher! Share and enjoy together your cousin's new experience and it will be tremendous fun for both of you. Good Luck!

  2. Make her watch american tv with the words on it. Talk to her.

  3. Try not to translate for her when you go out.  Let her try to develop those survival English skills.  She may run away a few times, it's okay, let her keep trying.  It will get frustrating, but stick with it.  After she tried a couple of times, teach her the right phrase to use and wait until the next time.

    Go out and do normal teenage stuff.  Go shopping at the mall, go to an amusement park, go out hiking or camping, go roller blading or biking in the park, go bowling, go to the skating rink, play paintball, go to a concert, go canoing, go to the local pool, go see a movie, or go to the beach.  Try to interact with other English speakers.  Teach her the names to interesting stuff like trendy clothes, famous music artists, movie titles, snack names such as slurpies, gorditas, etc.  Vocabulary doesn't have to come out of an SAT book.  Make it fun, go out and do some fun stuff.  I'm sure your mom will be on board if it means entertaining your cousin.

    Write notes to each other in English.  Keep it simple, little stuff like, "who do you like?"  "What's your favorite color?"

    I remember when I was in middle school, I kept a scrapbook together with my best friend.  We cut out magazine pictures and phrases and decorated it with random notes and ideas.  

    Take her to the public library and have her pick out books to read.  Don't look down on her if she chooses a kids book (I'm an adult and I couldn't read a children's book in Korean).  Suggest a book you really liked as a kid, like "The Giving Tree" or "Oh the Places They'll Go" or "Matilda".

    Mainly, go out there and do stuff with her.  Have fun!  She'll be much more likely to remember the English she learned if she had fun doing it.

  4. English as a Second Language Listening Links

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  5. just talking to her will help her learn the language. the best way to learn a language is through exposure so simply being in the usa will allow her to learn the language

    don't do lessons or plans she is only 2 years younger than you so im sure you will be able to talk to her just fine

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