
Teaching him to be a good father or something else?

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My son is almost two. He has no dad, Long story.. but he left. I have a bf.. who helps me with my son. I work full time.. so my son is in daycare 40 + hours a week. When he comes home.. I have noticed several Feminine behaviors--like putting his hands on his hips(in a womanly fashion).. doing the splits(which i cant do--so he didnt get from me) and when I pick him up.. several times He has been allowed to play with barbies, and baby dolls. I came in one day and he had a bottle of nail polish..and just yesterday.. sitting at the table holding a doll..

I am not homophobic.. but I want my son to be a manly man. Unfortunately not having a father he doesnt have what he needs to balance out.. playing with dolls and playing with trucks and cars.. Maybe if he did, It wouldnt be an issue.. cuz it would balance. I spoke with one of the daycare assistants..and she informed me that they were allowing him to learn to be a good father? I responded with, he is only two..he has the rest of his 18




  1. I think it's good that he's playing with the dolls, but he needs some more boys to hang out with!

      My sons love barbie....they treat their little sister like she's a barbie doll (to the point of sneaking my makeup to make her prettier!)...but they are the (ahem!) BEST DragonBallZ fighters in the city! They see thirty seconds of that cartoon and run wild.

      Find your son a friend to hang with, or let the boyfriend play with him....and let him watch all the cool cartoons, like DragonBallZ, Ben10 (I dunno what it is, my son's telling me!), Transformers, and Yugi....

    Good luck!

  2. my brother actually used to play with dolls and walk around the house wearing my moms heels saying he was going to church. today he is very tough and you wouldnt be able to guess by looking at him he used to be such a little girl. however we have a father which may be the reason he is what he is today.  i would say wait a year or two and see what your son has become. not sure if any of this helped but that's what i got.

  3. It is way too early in his life to be concerned about him not being a manly man. I have a son that is almost two. I don't want him to be girly either, but at this age, they really don't understand the difference between girl toys and boy toys. To them they are just toys that they are having fun playing with. My advice to you is to not make him feel bad for the "girl" toys that he likes to play with, but to praise him and encourage the "boy" toys that you want him to play with. As for the nail polish, if he has ever seen you put it on then he is just trying to practice something that he has seen. At this age they are like sponges and will learn and try what they see. It has nothing to be with being a girly boy or a manly boy.

  4. I agree with you this society has forgot that boy's turn into men. And they want them all to act and be sissies these days. Just keep your eye on your son and if you really don't want him playing with girl toys then I would tell them to keep that stuff away from your child. Just like everybody has a religious preference you have a toy preference for your boy. Plus just try and keep all his toys at home boy oriented but I'm sure you already do. Good Luck and remember your his mom not them.

  5. i agree.  i think you're reading too much into this.  a lot of little boys play with dolls, it's just part of being little and learning and stuff.  playing house, roll playing all of that.  he's only two.  when he's older, enroll him in a good team sport.

  6. I honestly think there is nothing wrong with little boys playing with dolls.. it really does teach them to be good fathers when they grow older. I think you're worrying way too much.

    My husband, my brothers, my male cousins all played with dolls and they all act, as you would say, "manly". They all grew up with their fathers except for my husband and he is just fine. Things change... quit being so old school and let your son have his fun with whatever he wants to play with. He's just a kid.

  7. even though u might not enjoy it..bring him to like sports games,etc. buy him one of those ride-on four wheeler things, trucks, try explaining to the daycare people again about ur situation maybe a different person this time. and if it really bothers you maybe you should look into different daycares? ask ur boyfrend if he coof maybe find some time to do boy things with him, etc. if it gets worse look into child scholygist could surprise u how much it helps! the doll thing u shoodnt stress tooo much about though cuz most lil boys do tht. enroll him in a sport maybe?

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