
Teaching in Britain?

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I'm currently finishing my teaching degree in Canada and I'd like to go to the U.K to teach. I have a BA (history, geography). I've noticed some "Teaching in England" posters about and I was wondering are their reputable recruiters for oversees people who want to teach in England? Anyone have any personal experiences transfering from Canada to the U.K to teach? What kind of hoops did they have you jump through and/or how did the recruting people treat you?




  1. Hi, normally to teach in Britain you would have a BA or BSc of your specified choice then go on to take a one year course to qualify you to teach that subject called Post Graduate Certificate of Education, which you could do at a university in England either part time, full time or while you're working as a teacher if you find a school that will take you on under these terms and hopefully, they should pay you a wage while you do this. I think it's called a QTS course...Qualified Teacher Status course, again you'll need to check out some university prospectuses online to see your options.

    Try google for universities in the place you want to come to and they'll say what you need to etc.

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