
Teaching in daycare center?

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My girlfriend is going to start working at a German/English daycare center. They told her that she will be the English teacher....the children already speak English but then needed a teacher without an accent so that the children can learn proper English and pronunciation.

So my question is does anyone know what kind of games she can play with the children that involve talking or singing. The instructors want her to talking to them a lot so any suggestions you might have would be great.




  1. She should teach them a lot of finger plays, songs, and poems.  Here is a web site that I use a lot with lots of this kind of material:

    Click on music and songs and you'll find more than you need.

    Also, she should read to them a lot, and ask them a lot of open-ended questions during the stories and during free play time to encourage them to use the language.

  2. What ages are the children?  I would suggest the same ones parents play with their children.  Patty cake, twinkle twinkle little star, ring around the rosie, ABC song any little kid song with some motions that are fun!

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