
Teaching myself sign language.....?

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im intested in teaching myself british sign langauge.. i was wondering will this be a plus for when i start to work especially for flight attendants also how long does it take if i practise everyweek day? x




  1. It's a fun language to learn. I spend time in England (I'm American) and learned British Sign Language, my parents are deaf, so my first language was American Sign Language. I would get a DVD and a book, if I were you.

    I was also a flight attendant and only used it a few times. But, you'll have fun learning it anyway!

  2. It is really hard to learn from books, as the drawings need some interpretation of the movements they are trying to convey.  If you want to learn on your own you really need a DVD or computer program---- but even better is a teacher or deaf friend who can help you with your movements, watch you sign, and sign to you.

  3. You can get a DVD which gives you some of the any language the best thing to do is to speak to someone who knows try and get in touch with the local deaf society and see if you can get help there and maybe go to one of their clubs...there is more to it than just learning sign language, its a whole culture on its of luck.

  4. It would be very hard to teach yourself sign language. You would be far better off going to your local adult education class. They will have deaf instructors and will help you visit a local deaf club as you will need to practise. If you go to a class with other learners you can practise together until you you are at a reasonable level as deaf prople can get fed up with being pestered by hearing people while they are trying to socialise together. You need to start with BSL level 1. I imagine it would be a definite plus for most jobs you apply for.

  5. It's really hard to teach yourself. You need a signer to practice with.

    I have been learning a few months and find it very frustrating.

    Am still just at basic conversation.

    I am going to take an evening class and have a professional teach me.

    I suggest you do the same save wasted time.

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