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how do u become a spanish and or a substitute teacher??

what type of certification is needed etc





  1. To be a Sub you must have a BA degree- $85 daily

  2. Both my sister inlaws do this (both are from Peru)  One doesnt have a degree and the other has a BS in Political Science.  I went with the one that has her degree to an interveiw to become a substitute spanish teacher.  She was told that since Spanish is her first lang. she did not need a degree.  She starts her full time spanish teaching job in the fall.  All she would need is a certificate from the Board of Education saying that she was able to teach.  However if Spanish is not your first lang. you may be required to have an education or general education associates degree.  I hope this helped.  My inlaws live in NC and GA.  You should call your local Board of Education to make sure you dont need anything further.

  3. Every state is different.  To be a teacher, you need certification.  To be a substitute, it depends.  Some states require a Bachelor's degree; others require a high school diploma.  Pay rate for subs depends on the district.  Certification for subs depends on the state.

    To know anything official, contact your state's Department of Education.

  4. Each state is different in its teacher requirements.  It also depends on the subject.  Math and science are easier due to the high demand for these areas.  Foreign language is probably moderately high depending on where you live.  Check with your state's Department of Education

    To be a sub, you will most likely need some type of post high school education (once again, it depends on where you apply and how desperate they are for subs)  You will most likely need to go through a background check, which may include fingerprints.

    Good luck!
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