
Teaching someone how to speak again. tips please!?

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hi, i work with TBI clients and i am working with a new guy who has serious issues with speaking. i need some exercises and tips please on how to help him annunciate and communicate his nees. he can say the alphabet but not well.




  1. I had a student like that once. She was majoring in English, but had halting speech.

      I just never spoke to her about it.  However, if I understood what she said, I treated her exactly like the others,

      I think in the long run it paid off, because I saw her recently and she is doing better..

  2. My nephew was born hearing impaired and his speech therapist gave us exercises for him that were targeting the areas he had the most difficulty with. He really had trouble with B's he would pronounce them like D's so he'd have to try and repeat words like bottle, baby. I imagine you could try something similar, figure out which sounds he has the most trouble with and emphasize on those.

    You might try getting an appointment to consult with a speech therapist for advice.

  3. Stimulation, stimulation, stimulation and after that:practice and time. Ask questions, let him struggle, dont anticipate the words.

  4. cut out objects from a magazine and print the name on the bottom of the picture. Example find a picture of a glass of milk and write milk on the bottom of the paper. show it to him and say milk. point to the picture and say milk then see if he can repeat what u said.

  5. i don't know about communicating his needs

    but i'm in speech for a lisp and all i ever do i say the same sounds and sound combos over and over

    and when, in real talking, i say it wrong, someone stops me and says "no..." and corrects me until i get it right

    mabey working with him will help

    Traumatic Brain Injury, that's sad, but you're doing a good thing

    this, the brain, is actually something that interests me

  6. Think of something he likes, and use that as a talking point,

    Usually if it is something that fascinates him, he will be more enthusiastic about his leaning to speak again,

  7. Get professional consultation..

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