
Teaching young children about abuse?

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Does anyone have any creative curriculum ideas for teaching young children (preschool or K-2) about abuse? It can be physical, emotional, sexual, or even neglect.




  1. There is a program for sexual abuse that talks about "OK" touches and "not OK" touches. this program is based of the good touch / bad touch program.  This program explains that some "bad touches" might feel good and this confuses children.  I would explain to your children about "OK" touches like hug and shaking hands and "not OK touches"  like the sexual abuse kind.  If you search on the net you can find a video about this program.

  2. Children don't understand about abuse, but they understand about the words "good" and "bad".

    Start telling them that the "Abuse" is when bad people try too hurt you, or something like that.

    Then, explain them those abuses the best you can.

    It's not easy but I'm sure they'll get it somehow.   Kids are smart nowadays.

    ^^ Good luck!

  3. I volunteered for a program called "Funny Tummy Feelings" through the North Carolina SAFEchild organization.

    We would go to 1st grade classrooms and teach children to identify feelings that made them feel "funny" or uncomfortable.  We gave them scenarios such as being alone in a room with a person who made them feel unsafe and gave them examples of what they could do to get to a safe place.

    We also helped them identify people who were safe that they could go to when they needed help.

    Its a great program.

    I included a link to their website.

  4. There was a wonderful program in the USA called the Green Circle. I think it only exists in California now, and has changed their name.

    They come into the schools to teach tolerance. They show the "circle" of friends and/or family. With words they can show children how it feels to be outside that circle.

    Depending on the age of the classroom children, different ways are shown.

    I hope you can find them. The program is excellent - they teach not only about physical, emotional and sexual abuse but about prejudice...

    P.S. Hootie - wouldn't K-2 - be kindergarten through second grade?

  5. ideally i think they are lucky enough to not have been abused already

    then you tell em there are bad people who might try to hurt you

    tell em how to be safe and avoid potentially bad people

    teach em how to be safe and causious without scaring them too much

  6. My Mom used to run a local chapter of C.A.P.P. (child abuse prevention program). They would go into our school and do skits and talk and stuff. They really helped several children. Maybe you could look it up in the web to see if they have suggestions.

  7. Tough subject... my school always used a puppet show. Although I'm not sure how effective it really was... BTW... I've never heard of K-2. I thought once the child hit Kindergarten after that it became first grade. Since when is it being called K-2? Just curious...No need for harsh insults for this people (I've been criticized for being curious before on here).

  8. I think as long as you teach them how to treat others, be nice, talk nice, don't take thigns away from other kids, etc, it's a base for teaching them about abuse. Also teach modisty, girls and boys don't get naked together etc. That will atlaeast help. Also don't try to sit them down and have "a talk" just while they're taking a bath just say that no one should see them naked but mommy and daddy or  their Dr. Ad only for like baths or when the Dr needs to do an exame. Then if someone says something mean or hurtfull say thats's not nice and talk about feelings, happy, sad, mad. I think as long as you can teach them how they shuld treat people, and they know that people should treat them nicely etc. You don't need to scare them with htings. Also teach Stranger danger. They don't talk to anyone they don't know, unless you introduce them. So that they know they can talk to teachers and stuff. I know sometimes it's people they know that will abuse them, but teach them not hitting and stuff. If it's your kids, hopefully you won't be the ones negecting them etc. You justhave to try to surround them with good people, and like a siad before teach them how to act to others and know others shouldtreat them the same way.

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