
Teaching yourself something vs. going to a class?

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Lately I've really be wanting to learn some coding and programming as well as perhaps some flash & dreamweaver. I know the very basics in all of these but really want to get more advanced. I was wondering whether teaching myself (primarily through free online tutorials) or actually going to a class would be a better option.

the way I see it, if I taught myself it would be free. If I went to a class it would cost some money, but I'd get something on paper for my learning (which I could then use at job or something) and it would keep me motivated toward finishing what I've started.

What do you think is the better option?




  1. hi,

    if u r capable enough in collecting notes, material, current things then u can opt for self learning.

    if u think u r lacking in any of the aspect its better to join for coaching.

    my advice for 1st one is surf the net u could get a lot of information & join groups ,question & answer sites to develop u r skills.

    remember one thing self study makes u perfect in what u leart by u r self by full effords.

    good luck

  2. It all depends upon why you are doing it. If you are doing it just to learn it or if you are doing it to get a job or a raise.

  3. Go to class so you can network.  Networking is important to find jobs.  You can self study on your own time, and you should.  I say do both.

  4. Going to class would be best because you have an expert for reference if you hit a snag.

    Teaching yourself is good enough though, although it may not be good enough to get a job...

    Buying though huge coding books help a lot, and so does starting with an easy program like Dreamweaver.

    Although, teaching yourself coding is easy enough, but for programming, I'd go to a class

  5. Going to a class: On the downside, I wouldn't count on going to a class as a better motivator. I say this only because you could get stuck with an instructor who puts you to sleep with dull lesson plans and very little hands-on training.

    On the upside, the class might include subtle things about the programs which books leave out. Sometimes experience (via an instructor) IS the best teacher - where books or manuals can fall short.

    Self-Learning: On the downside, there may be a lot of helpful tips that you cannot gain from a book. You will also need the discipline to sit down and focus while learning something new. It might take far longer to fully grasp an entire system or program.

    On the upside, you're probably more likely to remember and retain that which you have taught yourself. You'd save some money, and you could wear your PJs while learning. :)

  6. Pay if you can, besides the good points you mentioned you will be meeting positive people who want to move forward. Good luck with it.

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