
Team Edward or Team Jacob? (Twilight saga fans)?

by  |  earlier

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I, for one, am for Team Edward. He ROCKS!!!!




  1. Go read Breaking Dawn, that puts all this Team Edward/Team Jacob c**p to rest.

  2. Personally, I'm a team Jacob..But in Breaking Dawn, he was different from the Jacob I knew, so...

    I'm a Team Newton now..:D

    Even though that didn't really answer your question :L

    Actually, I like ALL

    Edward is awesome cause he runs and..Flies..? Oh yes, and he's cool

    Jacob is THE BOMB in New Moon cause he seems so realistic! Besides the wolf..part..Of course..And he's warm and funny!

    Newton cause I feel sorry for the kid:D

    And he's cool as well

  3. Hmmm...let's see. Team Abuser or Team Pedophile? That's a tough one. I think I'll go with Team Research Your Question Before You Ask It! :)

    P.S. I agree with Sarah Ray.

  4. Do you teenagers even look in the discover area before reposting the same question over and over again?

    I am Switzerland like Bella.  

  5. After reading Breaking Dawn, how can you ask this question?

  6. Edward is awesome!

  7. jacob!

  8. Team Edward

  9. This question was asked, literally, 5 minutes ago.  And roughly 6648 times before that.

    The search bar is your friend.  Use it.

  10. I love the both!!!

    and the whole team thing is useless

    they both have there happy endings

    no more stupid competitions!!!!!

  11. Please take this debate to the Polls and Surveys section where it belongs before users start reporting you for abuse.

  12. Team Edward without a doubt

  13. team switzerland...i luv them both.  

  14. TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  15. Yeah, Edward ROCKS. He does. Cuz he's made of stone. Rocks. haha.

    I'm Team Jacob. Because he's just better, hotter and funnier. I love Jacob. Edward sucks.

    Oh, and ever heard of the search bar?  

  16. Jacob, hes super s**y and wonderful, OW OW!!

  17. Technically both teams win at the end (which i bet Team Switzerland is thrilled about lol) because Jacob has Renesmee to love instead of Bella but still has a part of her to love (and Renesmee has Bella in her, since she is her daughter), and Edward gets Bella, which was their destiny. I definitely pick Team Edward, though. The basic plot of the books series is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, not a werewolf. I mean don't get mean wrong, yes Bella loves Jacob too and I really like Jacob, but just as Bella's best friend. Bella and Edward are meant for each other. Bella can live without Jacob better than living without Edward. I know that Jacob is a part of Bella like Edward, but Bella just can't live without Edward. Everyone knows that from the beginning of reading the series that Bella was going to live with Edward and that she can't live without him, and this is proven even more in New Moon because of the deep depression that Bella goes through when Edward leaves. And in Eclipse when Bella couldn't see Jacob, she took that better than when Edward left. Everyone knows that Bella would end up with Edward in the end, and Stephenie Meyer knows that it is Bella's destiny to be with Edward and that she would upset soooooo many fans if Bella chose Jacob. But, Stephenie Meyer ended the story well. She knew that there were both Team Jacob and Team Edward fans out there, and that they both wanted to be happy. So she made Jacob imprint on Renesmee, so that Jacob could still be Bella's best friend without either of them hurting over each other. So know, Jacob is technically a part of the Cullen family, and Bella can live and love Edward forever. Now its a happy ending! yay! i love happy endings lol :)


  18. This question has been asked a million times! Please please please stop asking this question or similar Twilight questions... please please please search for the questions before you post them. PLEASE!

  19. edward :)

  20. this question appears twice on the same page.

    now what does that tell you?

    yes, that's right, that you're NOT the only one who doesn't know how to use a search bar. but never fear, it is a talent easily learned and quite useful in not ticking off the rest of the yahoo!answers population.

    on the subject of teams, i must admit i have given my heart and soul to team autonomy. i like being able to have my own mind and independence without having to lean on a man to survive.

    yeah, i'm a weirdo like that.


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