
Team Fortress 2 All Unlockables And Achievements?

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every achievement and unlockable

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  1. Hard To Kill

    Get five kills in a row without dying.

    Powerhouse Offense

    Win 2Fort with a shutout.

    Lightning Offense

    Win Well in 5 minutes or less.

    Head of the Class

    Play a complete round with every class.

    World Traveler

    Play a complete game on every map.


    Get five Revenge kills.

    With Friends Like these...

    Play a game with 7 or more players from your friends list.


    Win 20 games.


    Accumulate 1000 total kills. This one announces progress in 250 kill blocks as you progress.

    Relentless Offense

    Win Hydro without giving up a capture.

    Impenetrable Defense

    Successfully defend Dustbowl without giving up a capture.

    Impossible Defense

    Successfully defend Gravel Pit without giving up a capture.

    General Medic Achievements

    Team Doctor

    Accumulate 25000 heal points as a Medic. Note- Does not count towards the milestone achievements

    Achievement Pack Achievements

    Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria (In unity, there is victory)

    Assist in killing five enemies on an enemy control point in a single life.

    Medical Breakthrough

    Assist in destroying five enemy Engineer buildings with a single Ubercharge on a Demoman.

    Blunt Trauma

    Assist in punching two enemies with a single Ubercharge on a Heavy.

    Big Pharma

    Assist a heavy in killing twenty enemies where neither of you die.


    Assist a fellow Medic in killing five enemies in a single life.


    Assist in burning five enemies with a single Ubercharge on a Pyro.

    You'll Feel a Little Prick

    Assist in killing three enemies with a single Ubercharge on a Scout.

    Blast Assist

    Assist in exploding five enemies with a single Ubercharge on a Soldier.

    Doctor Assisted Homicide

    Assist in killing twenty nemeses.

    Peer Review

    Kill fifty Medics with your bone saw.


    Hit enemies with your bone saw five times in a row without dying or missing.

    FYI I am a Medic

    Use a bonesaw to kill five enemy spies who have been calling for Medic. The picture for this achievement (the FYI) comes from the youtube video FYI I am a spy. Valve has confirmed that inspiration for achievement in fact came from the video.

    Preventative Medicine

    Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an Ubercharged teammate.

    Family Practice

    Ubercharge ten of your steam community friends.

    Second Opinion

    Ubercharge two teammates at once. Note that this means simultaneously, which can be achieved by changing rapidly between two targets with ubercharge in effect.

    Double Blind Trial

    Deploy an Ubercharge within eight seconds of a nearby enemy medic deploying his.

    Infernal Medicine

    Extinguish one hundred burning teammates.

    Autopsy Report

    Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.

    Bedside Manner

    be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.

    Grand Rounds

    Heal two hundred teammates after they have called for Medic.

    Midwife Crisis

    Heal an Engineer as he repairs his sentry gun while it's under enemy fire.

    Chief of Staff

    Accumulate one million total health points.


    Accumulate ten thousand heal points in a single life.


    Accumulate seven thousand heal points in a single life.

    Quadruple Bypass

    Heal a teammate who is taking fire form four enemies at once.

    House Call

    Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy an ÜberCharge on him.

    Hypocritical Oath

    Kill an enemy spy that you have been healing.

    Placebo Effect

    Kill five enemies in a single life, while having your Ubercharge ready but undeployed.

    Trauma Queen

    Deploy three Ubercharges in less than five minutes and assist in five kills during that time.

    Medical Intervention

    Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.


    Deploy an Ubercharge on a teammate less than a second before they are hit by a critical explosive.

    Surgical Prep

    Have an Ubercharge ready before the set up phase ends.

    Group Health

    Work with two other medics to deploy three simultaneous Ubercharges.

    Play Doctor

    In a team with no Medics, be first to switch to Medic after a teammate calls medic and heal 500 health.

    Does It Hurt When I Do This?

    Kill fifty Scouts with your syringe gun.

    First Do No Harm

    Play a full round without killing any enemies and score the highest on a team of six or more players.

    Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Medic pack.

    ***Reward: Blutsauger ****

    Achieve 16 of the achievements in the Medic pack.

    ****Reward: Kritzkrieg ****

    Achieve 22 of the achievements in the Medic pack.

    ****Reward: Übersaw ***

    HEAVY Achievement Pack Achievements

    Iron Kurtain

    Take 1000 points of damage in a single life.

    Spyalectical Materialism

    Kill or assist in killing 10 cloaked spies.

    Party Loyalty

    Kill 50 enemies within 3 seconds of them attacking your Medic.

    Permanent Revolution

    Kill 5 enemies without spinning down your gun.

    Division of Labor

    Kill 20 enemies with a Medic assisting you, where neither of you die.

    Heavy Industry

    Fire $200,000 worth of minigun rounds in a single life.

    Red Oktoberfest

    Earn a domination for a Medic who's healing you.

    Communist Mani-Fisto

    Kill an enemy with a critical punch.

    Show Trial

    Kill an enemy with a taunt.

    Redistribution of Health

    Heal 1000 damage with med-kits in a single life.

    Crime and Punishment

    Kill 10 enemies carrying your intelligence.


    Kill an enemy with your shotgun while you're out of minigun ammo.

    Class Struggle

    Work with a friendly Medic to kill an enemy Heavy & Medic pair.

    Vanguard Party

    Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a round.

    Soviet Block

    While invulnerable and on defense, block an invulnerable enemy Heavy's movement.

    Pushkin the Kart

    Get 50 caps on payload maps.

    Stalin the Kart

    Block the enemy from moving the payload cart 25 times.


    Kill 10 enemies in mid-air with the minigun.

    Supreme Soviet

    Get ubered 50 times.

    Gorky Parked

    Kill 25 enemies while you're standing on a control point you own.

    Factory Worker

    Kill 20 enemies while being recharged by a dispenser.


    Kill 15 enemies capturing a control point you own.

    Soviet Union

    Get 25 enemy kills where you either assist or are assisted by another Heavy.

    Lenin A Hand

    Help 5 teammates get revenge on their nemeses.

    0wn the Means of Production

    Remove 20 stickybombs by killing the Demomen who produced them

    Five Second Plan

    Kill an enemy in the first 5 seconds after you exit a teleporter.

    Krazy Ivan

    Kill 100 enemies while both you and your victim are underwater.


    Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting while invulnerable.


    In a single life, get shot, burned, bludgeoned, and receive explosive damage.

    Konspicuous Konsumption

    Eat 100 sandviches.

    Icing on the Cake

    Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating.

    Don't Touch Sandvich

    Kill 50 scouts using Natascha.

    Crock Block

    Survive a critical rocket.

    Borscht Belt

    Kill 10 heavies with The K.G.B.


    Get 1000 assists.

    Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Heavy pack.

    ****Reward: Sandvich ****

    Achieve 15 of the achievements in the Heavy pack.

    ****Reward: Natascha *****

    Achieve 20 of the achievements in the Heavy pack.

    ****Reward: K.G.B ****

    General Pyro Achievements


    Set five enemies on fire in 30 seconds. Note- Does not count towards the milestone achievements

    Achievement Pack Achievements

    Combined Fire

    Use your shotgun to finish off 20 players you've ignited.

    Hot on Your Heels

    Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind.


    Ignite 5 Spies who have a sapper on a friendly building.

    Next of Kindling

    Ignite an enemy, and the Medic healing him.

    Cooking the Books

    Ignite 5 enemies carrying your intelligence.

    Second Degree Burn

    Kill a burning enemy who was ignited by another Pyro.

    Spontaneous Combustion

    Ignite 10 cloaked Spies.

    Weenie Roast

    Have 2 enemy Scouts on fire at the same time.


    Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter.

    Baptism by Fire

    Force 10 burning enemies to jump into water.

    Camp Fire

    Kill 3 enemies in a row, all within the same area.

    Fire and Forget

    Kill 15 players while you're dead.


    Kill 3 people with your axe in one life.

    I Fry

    Ignite 10 disguised Spies.


    Kill 6 people with your axe in one life.


    Kill an enemy with a taunt.


    Ignite 10 snipers while they are zoomed in.

    Got A Light ?

    Ignite an enemy Spy while he's flicking a cigarette.

    Burn Ward

    Ignite 3 medics that are ready to deploy an Uber-charge.


    Cause a dominated player to leave the server.

    Makin' Bacon

    Kill 50 Heavies with your flamethrower.

    Dance Dance Immolation

    Kill 3 enemies while they're taunting.

    Plan B

    Kill 10 enemies while you're both underwater.


    Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket.


    Kill 3 enemies in a single uber-charge.


    Kill 500 enemies.


    Destroy 50 Engineer buildings.

    Fire Chief

    Kill 1000 enemies.

    Controlled Burn

    Ignite 50 enemies capturing one of your control points.

    Attention Getter

    Ignite 100 enemies with the flare gun.

    Dead Heat

    Kill an enemy in the same second that he kills you.


    Do 1 million points of total fire damage.

    Pilot Light

    Ignite a rocket-jumping Soldier while he's in midair.

    Hot Potato

    Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast.

    Freezer Burn

    Provide enemies with freezecam shots of each of your taunts.

    Milestone 1

    Achieve 10 of the achievements in the Pyro pack.

    ****Reward: Flare gun ***

    Achieve 15 of the achievements in the Pyro pack.

    ***Reward: Backburner ***

    Achieve 20 of the achievements in the Pyro pack.

    ***Reward: Axtinguisher ****


    Master of Disguise


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