
Team USA vs. Spain (Is it over?)

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Looking at how USA did against Australia and Russia, is it safe to say they are going to get destroyed by Spain (and maybe Argentina by Manu)?

I think they needed better defensive players (*cough replace Cermelo with Artest, Pierce, or Battier). What do you guys think they are doing wrong? (maybe share the ball also)




  1. They won't get destroyed by anyone but it'll be close, Spain has better chemistry because they've been playing together for longer. Watch out for Argentina and Greece. I do think that Pierce was selfish not to want to play for team USA. I understand that Garnett played in 2000 so it's ok for him not to play.

  2. because of the bronze medal finishes from the previous international foray, analyst, bloggers, fans alike are jumping the gun.

    i mean this is pre-olympic exhibition play. it doesn't count for anything. its crazy that with the success of international players in the nba that maybe its possible that basketball overseas has gotten stronger. that they are no longer in awe or fear the usa teams.

    almost every other medal game in the olympics is up for grabs for any nation... the only event a usa team is almost (i said almost) guaranteed a gold medal is men's basketball. i think that its good that the games will be close. it makes it more exciting. instead of just a bunch of blow-out games that loses most of its interest by the end of the second quarter.

    I agree i'm definitely not a fan of carmelo anthony i saw four huge defensive lapses (i'm sure there were more) that were so obvious that if i was coach k i would of sat him down. to me its not a defensive issue as much as it is a rebounding, and poor shot selection issue. as in start rebounding and stop shooting poor shots. but again it's just exhibition play. that's all.

    besides that same Argentinean team your talking about had to rally against that same australian team just to win 95-91.  

    i don't think it was a game the us team was playing to destroy Australia, more like playing not to lose, get out without an injury so that everyone is healthy when the medal games begin... just to win. why show everything now in the pre-olympics

  3. I do not think it will play out quite as you think it will, the thing that the USA really needs is to work together better, and not try to take the game over individually, but instead do it through teamwork and passing the ball.  

  4. usa needs a real pf, or a center who is a post presence.  i dont see the uptempo open court basketball working too well agianst spain and argentina.

    theyll once again get outrebounded, the guards and sf needs to crash the boards for the usa team.  i think spain has a good chance of beating them and argentina also has a chance, but i think spain would have the biggest chance to do so.

    they need to change the lineups and use some bigs in the game.  if they dont get the gold, it would really be an embarrasement.  with all those stars from the best league in the world on the team, anythign less would be a disappointment.

    melos a good fit with team usa, hes proven he can play on the international level.  artest was nver invited, and i dont think anybody wants this guy on the team.

    they dont need pierce, they already have kobe, lebron, wade and melo, and melo plays pf sometimes.

    battier wouldnt fit in well in the international level.

    if kg or duncan accepted then they wouldnt be having a problem, since they can both defend and board, howard would also benefit from having kg or duncan next to him.

    like the guy above me said, their half court isnt good, and thats because they dont have great shooters on that team outside of redd.  plus they dont have a dominant post presence which could mess up their defense and create room for slashers.  having bigs would also get them more rebounds, limiting their opportunities and getting more for themselves.

  5. I think you guys are misunderstanding things.

    1.Kevin refused to play for personal reasons.

    2.Tim Duncan refused to play because,well,his first appearance in FIBA wasn't..a too pleasant one.

    3.Ron Artest?If you know anything about basketball you'd know that guy is a loose missle.

    4.Paul Pierce:Maybe then he wouldn't make that statement that he's the best player,but I do think he and Kobe would have clashed.

    5.Shane Battier:A good defender,really hardworking,humble too,great attitude.But a little too low on the skill level.

    6.Carmelo Anthony has played in the Olympics twice,they weren't too pleasant memories,but he still have experience.

    The thing is that they can't win by like,32 points every game.Winning is quite okay already,even if there was struggling.

    The thing Team USA can do now is just build up their chemistry and work hard.

  6. there doing fantastic man

  7. I dont think they are screwed, but i think they need to start practicin more on their halfcourt success.  becuz thats what they've been hurt by, the most on offence.  and on defence, i wouldn't get rid of Melo, becuz he's been their most effective offencive player (up till now).  they would be good over mayb Redd or Prince.  They seem to get real uncomfortable in the half court, and always put the ball in 1 person's hand (lebron or kobe) and jus let them try to do what they do in a reg season. it aint workin, and they need to start passin the ball more, not jus when its 2 on 1 on a fastbreak, and u pass up an open lay-up to show how un selfish u r, thats easy, move the ball in the half court, that will make the difference.

  8. Theres always a guy named kobe bryant on the team.

  9. You guys are blowing this way out of proportion. When the time comes, Team USA will focus, buckle down and destroy Spain.

    This is a bit like when everyone (including me) blew the Hawks taking the Celtics to saying stuff like:

    "Looking at how the Hawks took the Celtics to seven games, is it safe to say they are going to get destroyed by the Lakers or the Spurs?"

  10. Australia are now the best team in the world so USA must have played well to beat them, so why would the US lose to Spain.  

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