
Team doubles partner/ boosting halo 3?

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Can someone help me get the 50 skill I want. I'm quite good 270 exp and I have a low highest skill of 25... I'm quite good at team doubles although I have low skill in it. This is because I generally play multi team in Social slayer with 6 people. I only have 17 skill in halo, and I'm not really asking for someone to boost me, I just want someone quite good to play with in team doubles. I generally get low levels, people with no mics, quitters and betrayers. It just gets annoying!

GT = Chewin the fat, If I get a lot of replies about this I will also do Team Slayer with 4 people.




  1. Boosting doesn't really work anymore because Bungie changed the some things with the ranking system so you are actually better off leveling by yourself.  But finding a partner around the same skill level will help you go up at a good speed.  Just find someone 20-30 and play a bunch of games together.  I went from rank 6-30 in team doubles in one night by just playing by myself.

    Good Luck!

  2. yo...sorry to say this, but YOU'RE NOT GETTING TO 50. i'm not saying your bad, i'm saying you have too many games played. you'll need about 10 wins straight to go up 1 lvl when u get to lvl 40, if you get to lvl 40 within 23 games. also, since your kill to death ratio is .88 for both social and ranked, and you have about 830 games played, i'd say this is an ordinary pipe dream. Sorry if i seem rude or mean, but i'm just being realistic. my cousins play on my family's account, and they have about a legit 1.4 kill death ratio, but they couldn't even get to 45 until i did it for them. sorry man, i'm not trying to be mean. But you DID SPARK MY INTEREST, AND I HAVE GOTTEN 2 50's before. I'LL HELP YOU! i mean i'll test you and if you're good i'll help you out. i'm sorry though, my account expired and now i'm stuck using my cousin's account. ask for sunny before you meet me. GT- "wasted_djsunny"  

  3. I'll play you, my Highest Skill is 20 and my exp is 226. My GT is Megaman768. i might get on in about 30 min

  4. lets you party up with people!

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