
Teamwork development?

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My mom wants me to develop teamwork skills ( which is fine) but I dont want to do any type of sports ( mainly basketball, football, baseball, or soccer). What are some suggestions 2 develop my teamwork skills without the way im 12. Thx in advance!




  1. Where do I start?!  I quite understand about not wanting to do sport, but there really are so many other things to do to develop teamwork skills.  i could suggest all sorts of things, but you need to first look at yourself and decide what your interest are, otherwise just picking something up for the sake of gaining teamwork skills just won't happen.

    So, rule number 1, choose something you can put your heart into.

    Next think of an area you enjoy which you could develop, for example, if you like reading and English and watching the news for example, why not join/start a debating society?  Then you could work as a team, putting forward arguments for or against something which are not necessarily your own opinions, but which make you think about working in a team.

    That is just one example.  I would advise you to re-phrase your question:  

    Ask:  I really enjoy (x,y,z - say what you enjoy)  then ask what you could do involving these areas of interest that would help your teambuilding skills?

    Hope that helps!

  2. join a boy/girls club like 4-H or scouts.  There are also chess clubs and all sorts of Acedemic clubs out there.  Try joining up. Try contacting the YMCA they'll know of programs.  Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity if you are old enough. Hope this helps.  PEACE
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