
Teary night... dont know what to do

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i have a history... would say most on here do. but im a mess tonight. tears, not stopping. its late here, so all support people sleeping, which i wish i was doing.... so dont have anyone to talk to.

what do i do? take an extra few pills and hope it puts me to sleep??




  1. go ahead and releases toxins and is useful. then when you have cried yourself out, try to get some sleep. things will look better in the morning and you can address your concerns once you have rested. best wishes to you...hang in there

  2. I wouldn't take the extra pills as they said.

    It's sad to hear your having a bad night and i hope you end up feeling better tomorow =].

    You can write down what your feeling, talk to a random over the net about it, meditate, go for a walk etc.

    If not anything else get a drink of water, hug your pillow and try and go to sleep.

    I'm here to talk to if you'd like.

    Hope this helps a little =]


  3. No extra pills plzz. They will do damage that will remain years from now and further reduce your coping capacity. Listen to some good music, take a shower, do some deep breathing exercises and search for friends on facebook.

  4. This can be a sign of depression. I would get help, but ont take any extra pills. I'll pray for you, and i wish you luck. But what you need to do, is cure this mental health issue, before it becomes a problem.

  5. hey im always here as a friend you can reach me anytime although i suffer bpd and struggle myself..........your one of my contacts if thats any help, in any sense i hope and pray you feel better soon- warm regards

  6. Don't take any extra medication than prescribe it could be dangerous.

    Try writing in a journal about what is going on right now, take a warm shower (don't advise a bath if you already took sleep medication), take a walk around the block, try to do some deep breathing to relax.  Grab a book and read.

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