
Teasing curly hair? :/ ?

by Guest45352  |  earlier

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would it look wrong if someone who had curly/wavy hair teased their hair. cos from all the pictures i've seen only straight hair is teased. or have i not been looking hard enough? are there any pics of teased curly hair and would it look wrong? just curious as i haven't seen it before.




  1. why would you tease curly hair? your hair already has volume...teasing is supose to give you volume...i wont because your hair will get knoted and when you comb it outr it might become damaged

  2. ???

  3. hmmm, i think that no one really teases curly hair because [most of the time] its naturally volumnous (i think i just made that word up?)

    but i mean, if yours isnt already pretty big, or you want it with more volume i guess you can try! : )

    please answer mine! : );...

  4. i have done it once before and it leaves major knots i suggest you don't do it

  5. OMG don't. it will be so hard to deal with.

  6. I found the info on this website very useful (I have very curly hair!)

  7. I have natural VERY curly hair..  and although my hair does have volume... it has no volume at the roots... so I tease my hair a little to give lift to the back of my head.. it can tend to make it frizzy.. however if you dont use too much hairspray or do not tease excessively, it will not be frizzy till u sleep on it.  The only problem i have is the height staying. So i suggest if u want the heightened teasing effect, straighten your hair. But if you just want to add style to your already stylish curls, then go for it.  

  8. when u do it, and take a shower put alot of conditioner in it then brush the knots out

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