
Technical question about 8ball and snooker.?

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why do 8balls spin much more than snooker balls?




  1. Snooker balls don't appear to spin as much as they are one colour. Pool balls have numbers or stripes or dots on them so when they spin they really look as if they're spinning.

    Have you seen players like Jimmy White putting backspin on a snooker ball to make it spin around the table?

  2. Assuming you mean pool balls:

    1) Pool balls are bigger than snooker balls, so it is easier to make a good contact off-centre, as needed to apply spin.

    2) Pool table cushions are softer than those of snooker tabels, so the effect of any spin on the way the ball rebounds is exaggerated.

    3) Pool tables are generally coated in worsted, whereas snooker tables are covered in baize (both are forms of wool). The pile of worsted  is more vertical, so takes spin evenly in all directions; baize has a pile or "nap", so a snooker table will see the ball respond more to spin in one direction than the other.

  3. a simple question of weight I think

  4. First, you have to assume it is a correct assumption that Billiard balls and Snooker balls actually spin differently if and when they are applied with the same velocity and power of stroke. From experience with both games, and I have both snooker and billiard tables here at my disposal so I personally do not believe that this is true.

    Both sets of balls are technically made from the same phenolic resin substance. They are of different size, but then again so are the cue tips used (approximately 9-10mm for Snooker and 12-13mm for Billiards) and the rails are set at different height to accommodate the size of ball. These balls as result of size are of a different weight but it is also true that Snooker cues tend to be 16oz to 17oz while Billiard cues are usually 19oz to 20oz.

    The truth is that given the exact same hit with English, these balls will react in a very similar and equal way of spin. The key is that it must be the exact same hit.

    From a strategy point of view Snooker is more often played in a softer manner than Billiards!  With the heftier cues and weightier balls there are far more people way over-powering shots in billiards and as result you will often see dramatic spin from the English applied to billiard balls in such a powerful hit that you are not likely to observe in normal Snooker play.

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