
Technical support, how do i set up 3 video projectors, to run in sync, and for the sound go through 5 speakers

by  |  earlier

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I am setting up a video display which requires me to edit 3 seperate videos which run in sync with eachother, and i will need to have a few speakers around the room, about five. I have little knowledge of the technicalities of such a display and would really like some help.

The videos will be edited in Final cut pro along with the sound.

Thank you




  1. First of all, can you not use split screen and one projector?

    Second of all, of you need surround sound, you'll need a 5.1 PCI card for you pc.

    See if you can daisy chain the projectors (into projector no1, out of projector no1 then into projector no 2 etc.)

    Above is a link to where you can buy a VGA 4 way splitter box, which would do the job.

    If you don't need suround sound, take the audio from either the phono out of your pc if you have a half decent sound card, or the Headphone out if you dont. Send this to an amp, then to 2 passive speakers.  Alternativley, send this signal to as many passive speakers as you wish, depending on your budget.

    Hope this helps, good luck.

  2. I believe you will a HDMI splitter to clone the Video source to 3 projector.  If you are using a PC than you can add more video card to your computer.  I believe vista Allow 6 video output, but on Mac, I don't really know at all.  For speaker, I believe you have to get receive but if you are using computer than you can buy a 5.1 speaker set.

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