
Techniques In Playing Chess - Where Can I Learn Some Cool Underground Strategies?

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I'm looking to boost my game beyond the rulebook and known methods.




  1. Chess is a game of practised intuition and experience. Playing it with people you've never played with (or even met) before offers some novel challenges. It's a smart way to sharpen your 'anticipatory instinct' -- the less you know what to expect, the more you learn to act on intelligent reflex. What this makes you in the end, is a better and bolder player.

    Also, take a look at the Underground Chess Strategies site. If you're serious about your gameplay, this is one resource that can help you move up the tactics ladder. It's the best 'discovery' I've come across for little-known tips, tricks and strategies. Give it a shot, and keep playing.

  2. Well here's one its my blitzkrieg move first move the center pawn  

    2spaces then come out with your bishop 3 spaces diagonally to the left next bring out your queen 2 spaces to the right but diagonally lastly attack the pawn that is protecting the king Check and Mate in 4 moves!!!!!!!!!

  3. It's seriously geeky but consider joining a chess society in your area. Chess is much more interesting with personalities than the cold internet. Generally each club has a few eccentrics who, while acknowledging that there are dominant strategies and "lines" (i.e. Ruy Lopez) still study underdeveloped theoretical strategies ... with the idea of winning by throwing your opponent off guard. Still, don't expect there to be too much "underground" strategies in a game that has been analyzed and written about for nearly a millenium.

    My personal favorite eccentric tactic is the Alhekine defense. Marcel Duchamp the surrealist painter liked it.

  4. I learned alot of moves from Yahoo chess... check it out. Best way to learn is to play.

  5. play people who play at the parks and places like that. they often tend to be unconventional.

    just keep on playing because you'll be able to find some on your own

  6. Play someone who is very new and get them in the 4 move check mate.

    I try to castle when I can, this helps block checks, and gets the castle onto the field.

    The rule en passent is a little hazy for me, so I tend not to play it. The only strategy really is to think at least 5 moves ahead. The pros probably take upto 20 moves ahead, and look for every possible move that their opponent might take, hence why they take a long time,

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