
Technology in 10 years????

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Was wondering about this earlier...

what will technology be like in 10 years?

will we be thinking that this was the "stone age" in 10 years?

do we have any idea what it will be like?

it's kind of a scary thought.... not scary like terrifying, but scary as in weird/cool.

any comments?




  1. Personally, I don't think that there will be much of a change. There will most likely be a few more advancements in our technology, because our products are constantly in a state of improvement; but as for "flying cars" and everyone flying around in jet packs and such, I doubt we will be seeing everyone using these things on a daily basis in ten years. If anything our advancements would be to conserve energy and promote environmental health. Just look back ten years from today. Although we have had major breakthroughs in technology and some great advancements, we never achieved the whole "space age millennium" on a global widespread like we though we would, even though we have invented most of the products. And who knows what our world will be like in a few years. If any more wars break out, then we wouldn't be focusing so much on new technology to make our lives cooler, we would be focusing on military weaponry, which could just make our lives worse. So we'll see what happens.  

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