
Ted Williams, Best Player of All Time?

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What do you think? And if not, then who? I'm talking all-around, all aspects of the game




  1. its barry bonds. i know people will say he used steroids and what not, but he was a gold glove outfielder, could steal bases with the best of them, hit for tremendous power, average, always took alot of walks. There was just no aspect of the game in which he was below-average in.

  2. best hitter of all time, no question. and he missed 3 years serving his country like a true patriot

  3. Yes. I love it when I hear Joe Morgan talk about "Ted Wee-ums." That is what it sounds like Joe is trying to say...

    Too bad Ted never won a W.S.  

  4. I Don't Know Who The Orioles Fan Guy Is Talkin Bout, But Your Forgetting There's So Many Positions, But I'd Have To Say Pitcherwise Walther Johnson, And Babe Ruth Because He Was A Great Pitcher And One Of The Best Hitters Of All Time.

    Who The h**l Is Wayne Brady????????

  5. Ted Williams was a great player but I still say that Babe Ruth will always be best player of all time

  6. I agree, Wayne Brady.

  7. Ted Williams makes a good case because he hit 521 HR and missed 3 seasons due to the WWII when he was 24 25 26 years old.  There was something also about the Korean War, but I don't know much it interrupted his career.

    Career 1939 to 1960:

    Participated in every all star game except WWII 43 44 45 and 1952 and his rookie season in 1939.

    Has two Triple Crown seasons.

    Knew how to get on base .482 OBP #1, has power with a career SLG of .634 #2 to Ruth's .692 SLG

    Batting average of .344.

  8. Honus Wagner

  9. Babe Ruth, all star pitcher and outfielder

  10. most overrated player of all time perhaps.  

  11. yes i agree  

  12. Babe Ruth - no one comes close.  If Ruth had pitched his entire career he would have easily won 350 plus game.  As it was, his bat was the most feared in baseball history so he hit home runs for a living.  As a pitcher he was 94-46 with a lifetime ERA of 2.26.  There was nothing Ruth couldn't do on a baseball field.

  13. Wayne Brady

    lol... wayne brady is an actor im joking around

    look him up on youtube

  14. I say Ty Cobb was the best player ever.  He was raw, aggressive, and just mean.  He was fundamentally sound.  He might not have the massive power of Ruth but he ran the bases better than Ruth and Williams.  He was a great hitter, runner, and fielder.  

    Williams was great and in all reality might have been the best ever if he wasn't such a patriot fighting in WWII and Korea.  He missed some good years of his career and might have won a championship had he not missed those years.

    Ruth was amazing and hit home runs like nobody had ever seen.  He might be the best ever because he dominated for so long and he pitched.

    I say it could be any of the three above and I think a case could be made for Willie Mays too.  I think it comes down to the grit and tenacity that Cobb played with that does it for me.  He was smart and skillful and always played like it would be the last time he would ever play!!

  15. Mays best ever!!

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