
Teddy bear hamsters?

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I need to know everthing you know about these furry creatures, please do not copy and paste. Just say what you know! Also include what I should call one, male or female.




  1. I have owned, cared and loved 3 teddy bear hamsters in the past 10 years.

    The teddy bear is also known as a syrian hamster.  They live 2.5 to 3 years and get to be about 6-7 inches long.  Alot of other, smaller hamsters have become more popular, but this variety is still the best in my opinion.  Steer clear of the fancy breeds - the tried and true short hair is the friendliest.

    They are solitary and mostly nocturnal.  If handled early, they become very accustomed to it and welcome being held, pet and cuddled.  They are easy to care for, and relatively inexpensive when it comes to pet care.

    I've had both males and females, and the males seemed to be friendlier.  As far as names go, we decided on them once we got them home based on their personality and/or coloration.  Whiskers, our first, lived to be almost 4 years old.  Peaches got her name from her beautiful coat.  And Spice well, you can guess what she looked like.

    One bit of advise:

    When picking out your hamster, look for one that is not too timid and shy running all over, but also steer clear of the one who dosn't move alot- it could be sick.  "Wet tail" is a common hamster illness that you don't want to have to deal with.

    Good Luck!

  2. they hump people.

  3. i have one. well, they love cucumbers, there very adventourous nd they will try escaping so b careful. they dnt lyk 2 b in there hamster ball alot, they actually lyk 2 b put dwn nd free. if u want 2 males then they wnt get along, if u have on female nd one male they will make babies, nd 2 females get along fine. they eat almonds, sleep during the day nd stay up all nite. they run on their hamster wheel alot. nd they loooove toilet paper rolls. i named my hamster carmel

  4. i have a Teddy Bear hamster "long haired hamster"  and she is so cute she is not like short haired hamsters they actually has longer cuter hair.  if you get a hamster get it young like right when they come in and they usually grow up to be nicer hamsters ........   but whatever you do do not get a robo, or dwarf hamster usually they bite you. oh yeah and get  a girl....

                       hope this helped you thanx

  5. I don't really know much about them but I think a cute name for a girl would be Sherridan.

  6. Teddy Bear hamsters, are an average size hamster about 5 inches long when stretching. Like all hamster they will hide food in their pouches in their mouths; they will need to have food water and treats. Unlike guinea pigs their teeth don't need to be cut or cleaned.

    They will need a cage that is made out of wire NOT plastic; they are great escape artists and WILL chew through any material. They will constantly chew and chew and chew so throw in a toilet paper roll or some cardboard, that is a cheap alternative.

    Males or Females that is the question. I myself have always preferred the females in this breed. For several reasons: 1) Their private areas are hidden very well (nothing hanging down)       2) They don't grow as large as males do     3) If you decide to have more than one it would be easier to inter-grade another one at a later date.

    I had a hamster named "Sammy", my husband had one named "Teddy". But now that I am older I like the name "Zeus".

    Good Luck feel free to contact me if you have anymore questions.

  7. I love teddy bear hamsters =) so cute but unfortunately only live about 2-3 years, sometimes more though.

    teddy bear (or syrian) hamsters come in many different colors and can have long or short hair. longhaired ones need more care because the wood shavings get all tangled up in their hair (my male hamster, chester, always had wood shavings dragging off his bum because of his long hair, i ended up trimming some of it, very carefully, lol)

    these hamsters should be kept single, unless you intend to breed, which is tricky business if the hamsters don't know eachother. the hamsters don't mind being alone, but you should still play with them and maybe add some fun stuff to their cage, along with an excercise wheel. (i added some toilet paper tubes and a little wooden house from the pet store)

    to set up your hamster's cage you will need some wood shavings or bedding. aspen shavings are recommended for use by hamsters. there is a good brand of bedding for hamsters called Care Fresh, it is made from a kleenex-paper-ish material and it really helps with odor. It even comes in colors =D for food and water you will want to buy a water bottle and a dish for food. whether you want to feed your hamster seeds, pellets, or a mix of both is up to you. i usually feed my hammies the same food they were fed in the pet store or by the breeder.

    Male or female hamsters are usually of equal temperment, so it all comes down to personal preference. female hamsters have a higher chance of getting a disease because of the cancers that can be developed in their reproductive areas. Female hamsters are usually slightly larger than the males.

    I usually give my hamsters the names of foods, spices, etc. (example, cinnamon, nutmeg, cherry...) or just a name that sounds cute, (daisy, angel, Hammy) I owned two dwarf hamsters whose names were Yin and Yang, i tend to give them matching sorts of names when they are a pair.

    if you are going to a pet store make sure that it is healthy (no signs of discharge from the nose or eyes, make sure the area around it's bum is clean, or else it may be an infection)  

    good luck finding your hammy, they make great pets and they're lots of fun =D

  8. teddy bear hamsters are cute but, if you don't handle them alot they bite. i was gonna get one and someone talked me out of it because they bite.
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