
Teen Daugthers! What's their problem?

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Why do they cause the entire house to turn upside down in an emotional melt-down in a minute?




  1. it's simply what teens are meant to do.


  2. i'm only 11 but i know how they feel

    answer mine

  3. It used to be "children listen to your parents,shut up,  and learn" it is " parents shut up and listen to your raging kids". Role reversal has played a major role.

  4. I'd have to say it's all our hormones.

    We have so much going on in our lives and minds that we feel like no one understands, and sometimes it ends up affecting the other people around us.

  5. Hormones, Attention Seeking, Dramatic, Emotional.....

    Its teenage life...what do u expect? lol.

  6. honeslty girls are just dramatic and plus we have alot of hormonal problems dont worry as she gets older it gets easier and more pleasent trust me

  7. how many of you are actually teenage girls?

    what gives you the right so sow "blah blah,drama queens..blah..blah... PMS"

    give us a bit of a break!

    listen to us and we might actually treat you better. we get all angry cos alot of stuff's happening and you guys dismiss it at a wave.

    god,you guys have no idea what your screwed up problems do to your kids.

  8. I being a teenage girl have to agree with you. I'll elaborate on my explanation. I have started my period and that is definitely one thing effecting us. Our hormones go crazy as teens plus add on our period and self image. To break it down a little is hormones start raging in our teen years that help us develop into an adult. You most likely know about periods but as a teenage girl what happens to me and maybe your daughter is I change my mood in a snap of a finger like I will be angry as h**l and then act kind and sweet. It's all about PMS. And lastly most teens only realize the imperfection in themselves (like "I'm to fat, I have huge pours, nobody likes me") and you can blame that one on the media for putting outer beauty before inner beauty.

  9. teens are like that. they'll be fine when they grow up.

  10. Okay. I'm a teenage daughter. I started off hating everything my parents did, told me to do, made me do etc. As i'm getting older, i'm realising that i clash mostly with my mum because we both get hormonal, neither of us would admit that we were wrong, and we just didn't listen to each others perspectives.

    I heard on the radio from a psychiatrist lady, that in the first couple of years, your daughter will turn on you and think you are the most horrible person on the planet. Then they will become even closer to you as they get older.

    Being a teenager is one of the hardest things we will go through in life. Everything changes. Its hard. That's why we tend to act the way we do. We can't help the way we feel or act sometimes. Just remember that the nasty teen will always come back to you as your loving daughter when its all over.  

  11. Hormones, they are growing up. Teenage girls are the worst. Try to understand them, and what they are going through. Try and be in their shoes, and what's like for them.

  12. Well, I'm a teenage daughter myself, so I hope maybe I can help with this question.

    It could be a combination of things. She is changing and going through so much, and that can really just take a toll on her.

    Another thing that can really play a role in her behavior, what kind of people does she hang around? With most teenagers now-a-days, (boy or girl), their friends play more of a role with influencing their behavior more than their family does.

    And, if it has to deal with school drama, just tell her what my Mom always told my older sister "Leave that c**p at school". :) Lol.

    Good luck & I hope I helped.

  13. Well.I am one, a teenage daughter.Well it's normally because girls have mood-swings and every one else in the house doesn't understand and take it the wrong way or just doesn't know how to deal an starts yelling. And why?!? BECAUSE! they are a TEENAGE GIRL! come one now. you either were one or you dated one at some point in your life.. Hope I helped!

  14. ahah ur daughters are obviously having some problems at skool , maybe boys or friend dramas dont worry about it too much there jst been well teenagers, just be there for them as ii rekon u already are and just make conversation about how there life is etc encourage a good conversation there actually into , .;)  

  15. The problem is that they are teen daughters. Only when they grow up will things get better. Its sucks I know but you just have to wait it out.

  16. Well being a teenager is tough, we all know that, it's just that some have a bad way of showing this. As a teenage daughter myself my guess would be the usual hormone problem, even though I have never had any emotional meltdowns I do know that it's common for girls to do this. Other things to consider may be boyfriend issues, problems at school, or friends even.

  17. im guessing you are a good parent. Girls can do it for all sorts of reasons.. hormones.. things going on in their private lives.. you just have to bear with it.

  18. P/M/S definitely  

  19. got news for you it just isnt girls i have 2 teenage boys and talk about drama queens omg. im sorry but i dont remember being like this.

  20. Because we're ridiculously hormonal twenty-four hours a day, while struggling to find the balance between independence and family.

    I think at this stage of our lives, we're trying to break away from our parents and find out who we are for ourselves, and maybe this is just your daughter's way of saying "I can direct my own thoughts, feelings and life without your pushing thank you very much!" Of course, in actual fact, she's probably confused as h**l, and wishing someone would just point her in the right direction without patronising her.

  21. first of all, you spelled daughters wrong. second of all....jesuschristfuckinghell that's offensive.  anywhat, hormones mostly. and usually, the parents do s***w them up a bit, by spoiling them and whatnot

  22. Hormones

  23. 3 letters PMS

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