
Teen Hang-out room ideas??

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there is a spare room in my house that i am going 2 redo 4 a teen hangout for my friends and me and also my brother's friends and me...sorta like a teen living room for when there are gatherings at my house. i need ideas that are good for boys and girls that are teens, we thought sort of rockerish style but we have no ideas and there are none on google that we liked so far i will take any ideas like the paint color and stuff. the problem with the room it does not have ventilation so it can be 2 hot and 2 cold...also we would appriciate it if you could explain where 2 get things 4 the room we are on a smallish budget but please give any ideas you have!!!!! :]




  1. I think that a neatrul color like cream would cover the walls and have like a surfboard on the wall. I dont' know why that soulnds cool to me. If you like that i know that Pottery Barn Teen has good stuff like that. Go to and go tho the teens section. Find the button to get a free magazine. They have good ideas. They are a little expensive but you could get ideas from tehre and tehn go buy a cheaper version. your brother and you will agree on something from tehre. The magazine comes fast. You only get one but it is cool.

    Also, you could get beanbags or a couch from a garage sale, that looks decent. Have a book shelf to hold games and other stuff. If oyu have a computer then buy a computer table. Trust me, your room will be ROCKIN'!

  2. Think simple. Find stuff from around your house that you can use. Anything fun and silly will work. When I was in high school I made my room into a cool "teenager" hangout with a shag carpet, a velvet beenbag, and hanging lights that changed color. I had an old TV and got lots of silly VHS tapes (you can buy a VHS player very cheaply at a thrift store, and many music stores sell old VHS tapes for a dollar or two). Then if I had people over we could have a movie on in the background. I also had a record player and got lots of old records and found old records of my parents that I liked. This was my trippy 70's room.... but if you're trying for something more modern think really sleek and simple, and go to garage sales and thrift stores to find good decorations.

  3. Here are some of my ideas for a "Rocker" room :)

    The Thrift Store and Goodwill and GREAT places to go find some nice cheap finds!!

    ~ At the goodwill store.. find some band tees and make them into pillows

    ~ Hang old CD's on the wall or from the ceiling.  Threft store is also a good place for these!

    ~ You can frame up music sheets to put on thewall. Or hang band posters.

    ~ Put futons, couches, big fluffy chairs in the room.. garage sales a great for this!

    ~ Have your friends pose different "dance" positions against the wall and pencil them on the wall.. then paint black.. or if the walls are black.. paint them white or a color that will "pop" .. you'll have your own dance club LOL.

    ~ Put a colored light ball in the room to display different colors around the room... can find them at WAlmart. OR buy a colored light bulb.

    ~ Find some square wood flooring pieces and make a smalldance floor.. put it in the corner to save space. You can probably use a big piece of a plywood from the hardwood store too.

    Well I hope those hope ya! For the heating/cooling.. I'd just make a safe area for a nice fan and space heater.  


  4. You could paint the walls a turquoise, or light blue. You could put up some posters on the walls that you and your brother like. Maybe get some banana chairs and a few bean bags for seating, because they cost less than most couches. You'll probably want a table or two also. You could even stock the closet with craft supplies, board games, movies, and snacks!

  5. has a lot of cool things like Pottery Barn Teen for a lot less money. You could create a central style tile bulletin out of colored dry erase tiles and cork for a functional and cool look.


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