
Teen Moms Responsible?

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Why is it that I constantly see Pregnant Teenagers, or Teenagers with babies on Yahoo Answers constantly claiming to be responsible, but they weren't responsible enough NOT to get pregnant? Does anyone else see the hypocrisy here?




  1. just a little

  2. I used to substitute teach, and one of the schools I used to work at was a school for teen-aged mothers, and their attitudes and levels of responsibly blew me away most of the time. Most of them really took their child and their education seriously, and I really applaud them!

  3. Sometimes there isnt a choice. There may be a fmaily history of ovarian cancer, or something like that that would make her unable to have children later in life. I have 4 friends who are in that situation. One of which will probably have the cancer by the time she is 20. Her mother, grandmother, and sisters, all had it by the time they were 22-25. If you were given a time span of 4 years at MOST (she's 18) to be able to have a child that you knew you wanted no matter what the consequences, would you do it? Many young women are in that situation.  Of all my friends that are pregnant, and have had children during their teen years, they are so happy, to have this child. Some of them even planned it. Stop and think about it. There are a lot of older couples that were high school sweethearts. Why should that change now with the younger generation? Why should the wait until their 30's or 40's when they are perfectly capable now, and have someone that loves them and wants to have a family with them?

  4. well. lets be honest. most teenagers have s*x. so it was more of a unfortunate event for them to get pregnant rather than them being irresponsible. Protection doesnt always work.

  5. they just stupid. they cant wait to have sexx. teens shouldnt be carrying babies and having to worry about taking care of a child. they are still a child and they should be out having fun instead.

  6. Yep but they figure that as long as they take care of the baby then they are responsible. While I agree keeping and raising the baby is responsible getting pregnant wasn't.

  7. Responsibility is not an age issue.  I see plenty of adult parents that are irresponsible and they don't get all the stereotypes associated with teen pregnancy and teen parenthood.  Teenagers make bad choices.  They are expected to make bad choices because they are young and foolish.  But just because a teenager chose to have s*x and ends up pregnant does not automatically mean that they are going to be irresponsible parents.  That's a fallacy.

    I would be more concerned about the adults on yahoo answers that make stupid choices and are habitually irresponsible, than I would a teenager that got pregnant and managed to be a d**n good mom despite her poor choice.

  8. yes, i do. if they have s*x that means that they are responsible for what there doing. they must be ready for whatever turns out. its the truth. i am truthfully sorry to all of those teen moms out there. live moves on..........

  9. No. I am a young mother (22yrs old) with three children (a 3 1/2 year old, 23 month old, and 7 month old-all planned)   I have seen "older" mothers who were far less capable of being a mother.  It all depends on maturity level.  There are a lot of negative stereotypes that come along with being a young mother.  I don't think that anyone ever sheds any light on the positive though.. they just turn their noses and assume the worst.  I can tell you that personally my husband (also 22) and I were both married before our children were born.  We had been together 4 years before we got married and have been married 4 years.  (Longer than his parents made  it and they were married and had him in their 30s)  My husband is working on his Masters degree and is about to become a Naval Officer.  We don't take handouts from the government and provide our children with the best.  I have two years of college done and plan on continuing with my degree.  We are very responsible and are wonderful parents.  Everyone always assumes we are older because of the way we present ourselves.  Of course there are those who judge and assume but you know what they say about that..
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