
Teen Tragedy!!?

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im having my thirteenth birthday and i just realized that my crush is gonna be there im so nervuos im getting ready to cancell does any one have an idea to what i should do my party is on FRIDAY thank you soo much!!!




  1. Don't cancell just deall with the stress it will make you a stronger person.

  2. Why did you invite him if you knew you'd probably cancel the party if he showed up? If you didn't, why is he going to your party? Just let him go to your party and have fun!

  3. calm down its just a super stition at least your not turning 13 on friday the thirteenth like i did  if you just relax it'l all turn out fine and i know what i'm talking about i was super freaked and i'm the one who ruined my party bc of it

  4. First real crush?? Don't worry play it cool, relax, hang with your friends, and enjoy your party. Happy 13th birthday!

  5. okay...who cares...if anything dont act cdifferent just cuz hes there. be yourself and who knows.. maybe he will start to like you..... one hint      play spin the bottle!

  6. Heyy listen...i had the same thing..

    here's the thing....alot of other friends are gonna be there

    and its a good thing your crush is there...

    because than you know this person actually wants to come..

    and 13th B-day an having them apart of it is special

    and since it's your b-day

    they're gonna make you feel special...dont worry

    just relax...make sure to entertain and HAE FUNN ( with your crush )....BUT DONT forget about your other guests =D

  7. Please look up tragedy in the dictionary, and reconsider this question.

    Thank you.

  8. a teen tragedy is being trapped in a ditch praying that the guy with a gun in his hand doesn't kill you and your whole family.

    good luck with your life. its not that deep.

  9. hiroshima was a trgedy. this is nonsense. think about this. you are 13 years old and you have a crush on some kid. what do you think the chances are that this kid will matter 2 you in a couple years. what do you think the chances are you would marry him or something. just enjoy your birthday. you are still young and you have a lifetime of opportunity ahead of you.


  10. don't cancel.  canceling is lame.  just do what you would normally do at a party.  don't try to impress him/her.

  11. Have fun  dont worry about your crush you are young spend time with other friends.

  12. Don't cancel just because your crush will be there. Take the opportunity to talk to just have fun with him. After all, he's going to be there to hang with you, right? Just act as if he were any of your other friends going. Relax and have fun!

  13. :] Just relax! that's the best thing too do .

    so basically, if your crushing on him, don't hide by

    canceling . put some nice clothes on, look pretty and

    chill with him at your party, make him like you back .

    you never know what will happen. maybe this party is

    a good thing for the both of you . :]

  14. on the day of your party, dress as beautifully as you can. when doing that act as confident as possible. when your not confident around him, he'll know your nervous around him. And what tells a guy u like them is your nervous-ness around him. So once lets say you pass him with a friend...and he see's you...Act like your having so much fun and that will give him the message that you are a cool and fun girl.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...                               HOPE THIS HELPED!

  15. just gotta chill!!! =] sadly i got rejected by this one girl but i"m over it... talk to him and make him want to ask u out as his gf!!! =] good luck and happy bday!!!

  16. Wow a Tragedy? Hardly. Just stay calm and enjoy yourself. Trust me it will be better that way.

  17. Learn to spell?!!!

  18. Just be strong, have fun, and that crush may become a boyfriend ;)

  19. omg!!! you shoudl so tk advantage of this chance becuase look; you WILL be the center of atention becauseum its obvious its your party!! so hes coming so he will obviously notice you so you have more of a better chance with him!!! i know your nervous but geez you cant cancel because of that!! you knw on my 13 bday party my crush s couin called like 1 hour b4 the party and said shes bringin my crush i was like omg i was so nervous and guess what that day he told me he liked me and we kisssed!!! and a week later he asked me to be his gf!!!!!!

    it lasted long too!!!

    dont cancelll!!!!


    and happy bday!!!

  20. This is a great opportunity hun! Just play is chill. If you realize that he is just a guy you like, not some person waiting for you to embarass yourself, things will go much smoother.

    Its your day so just shine cause being relaxed is pretty fool proof for disaster. Youll be fine. :)

  21. don't let some "stupid" crush get in the way of your life!!!! Let him/her be there and enjoy your birthday bash and see him as friend... later on that night you can think of him.. or her

  22. don't be nervous, its not a tragedy.

    Don't cancel.. its your birthday.

    Gather the courage to have fun with your friends, family and everyone else at your party.

    Think strong!

  23. Omg 13 your such a teen...and this is such a tragedy?

    There are children starving to death in africa.

    Go read a book.

  24. Your thirteenth birthday is a milestone birthday and I'm sure down the road you'd regret not celebrating it with your close friends and family.  Crushes come and go; it'd be short-sighted and foolish to ruin your birthday over another person.  

    Ever heard the saying "those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind?"  Your birthday should be spent surrounded by the people that know you for the real you and love you unconditionally.  After all, you don't have anything to prove to anyone -- not even your crush.  

    Just remember that Friday is YOUR day -- YOUR birthday.  Be cool, positive, and confident.  More importantly, though, have fun and just be yourself.  :)

  25. don't cancel, be yourself and tell them how you feel if your that into them (wish I had done so when I was in high school, I would have been way better off now)

  26. let him come. dont be nervous. be yourself. everything will fall into place.

  27. this will be the night when you make your move. you cant cancel anyways its too late. get something really flattering to wear and just have a good time. he might even be into you, or who knows something might actually happen. Just have fun, go with the flow.

  28. Try to get all of your other guests to leave a little earlier than your crush. See if your crush would mind staying to help you "clean-up" a little bit. This will give you some legit time to work your feminine wilds on him.

    P.S. Is spin the bottle still a game?have a


  29. Hello,

    Thats awsome!

    Just be yourself and talk. Dont cancel because of a crush mine whent to my 13 birthday a month ago and we were fine we just talked a lot and had fun.

    Happy birthday!

  30. yes you are a teen tragedy

    what do you mean you have no idea what to do? just act like you would if he wasnt there, dont flip out at the party. you can flirt with him though, but dont be so nervous it will be fine whats the big deal? nothing is going to go wrong unless you flip out and ruin it, so just relax.

    if its stressing you out so bad why did you invite him?

  31. I would say to ignore him. Not ignore like you are not interested, but play hard to get. Do not show you are interested.
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