
Teen Vegetarians and Vegans who live with an entire house of met eaters?

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What do you normally eat for dinner when your family is eating meat.

I am currently a lacto-ovo vegetarian but I want to become healthier.

How do you make sure you get enough protein for the day.

I also have a couple other questions I didn't want to waste 10 more points.

My mom makes this really good pasta salad everthing is completely vegetarian in it except the pepperoni. The pepperoni is not cooked in it so do you think I could eat it?

Also I want to suggest products to my mom to buy that weren't tested on animals.

What makeup cosmetics do you have?

Shampoo and conditioner?

Facial wash?




  1. You can ask your mom to cook you a separate veg dish or you can cook for yourself. You can also leave or show veg pamphlets/information/videos to your family without being forceful. And offer to cook some good veg recipes for the family.

  2. Wow I hope they don't eat Carlos Beltran or Jose Reyes!!!

    Have your Mom put a little of the salad on the side before she adds the pepperoni.

    Doesn't your family eat non-meat things with the meat? It would be very odd if they didn't. So, eat a double helping of that stuff.

    Oh look! Maria is back to vote herself BAs. Please give a best answer or Maria/Peace will vote herself best answer.

  3. When my mom or dad cooks all this meat I usually make a salad for myself, I have been a veggie for a few months and I just became vegan yesterday so I get my protein from nuts, tofu and beans. Nuts are kind of fattning so I don't eat a lot of those.

    you should ask your mom to cook it without peperoni to add 'difference' to the meal, or ask to make you the same thing only w/o the meat. My mom does this for me sometimes if I ask her to.

    I don't use make up, I'm only 13 and my mom says I'm to young. I use Sauve (sp) shampoo but I'm not sure if that's tested on animals or not. and for facial wash I use Biorel

  4. you can get protein very easily it is just that most americans think they dont get enough protein when most usually get way more than they need. If you are not weightlifting or bodybuilding you only need about 50 grams of protein a day. You can buy many vegitarian and vegan foods at publix and even more at mother earth. There are many vegitarian and vegan hotdogs, burgers, chicken patties and even deli meats too. Also  you can eat beans and rice and tofu or tempeh depending on what you think tastes best.

    Power to you

  5. The government agrees, it makes sense to eat organic foods to avoid certain chemicals. The Office of Children's Health Protection at the Environmental Protection Agency declares that "children are at greater risk of pesticide exposure than most adults," and goes on to warn that "pesticides may cause a range of harmful health effects," including cancer and injury to the nervous system, lungs and immune system.


    "Organic farming became one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. agriculture during the 1990's, and producers, exporters, and retailers are still struggling to meet consumer demand for a wide range of organic products," the USDA said in the April issue of its "Agricultural Outlook" magazine.


    Vegan foods with Highest Toxic Pesticide Residues

    1. Fresh Peaches

    2. Winter Squash

    3. Apples

    4. Pears

    5. Fresh Spinach

    6. Green Beans

    7. Grapes

    8. Celery

    9. Lettuce

    10. Soybeans

    11. Potatoes

    12. Tomatoes

    13. Carrots

    14. Oranges

    Note: Insufficient data for berries - Consumers Union



    Vegetarians may have a lower risk of heart disease and bowel cancer than meat and fish eaters because of an acid found in fruit and vegetables, Scottish scientists said.

    Like people taking low-dose aspirin to prevent heart attacks, vegetarians have lots of salicylic acid, aspirin's main anti-inflammatory component, in their blood.

    Dr. John Paterson, a chemical pathologist at the Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary in Scotland believes salicylic acid could protect vegetarians from heart disease and cancer just as it protects people taking aspirin.

    "Studies have shown that if you eat fruits and vegetables you have a lower risk of heart disease, strokes, and cancer. Part of the reason to explain that lower risk could be salicylic acid," Paterson said in a telephone interview.



    We've all suspected it. Now, a growing body of scientificevidence is indicating that organic food is healthier thanconventional produce. Researchers from the University ofCopenhagen recently reported that organically grown producehas higher levels of nutrients when compared withconventional produce.

    Specifically, the organic crops had a higher concentrationof vitamins and far more secondary metabolites, which arenaturally occurring compounds that help immunize plants fromexternal attack. Some of these metabolites are thought tolower the risk of cancer and heart disease in humans.

    U.S. FINALIZES NATIONAL ORGANIC FOOD STANDARDS Secretary Glickman Announces Standards for the Production, Handling, and Processing of Organically Grown Agricultural Products


    FOOD SAFETY Information Retrieval System

    USDA National Organic Program

    At the EcoMall, while we don't believe you have to be a vegetarian to be an environmentalist, we do believe the two are related - - both encompass the ideals of efficiency and preserving our natural resources. Apart from the crucial considerations of health and natural goodness, and respect for animal life, meat eating is both inefficient and wasteful. Many pounds of cereal must be fed to livestock to produce one pound of meat on the table; the "wasted" food is used to supply the animal with energy. As protein converters, livestock are inefficient. An acre of cereal will produce five times more protein than an acre devoted to raising animals for human consumption. The figures for legumes - ten times more - and leafy vegetables - fifteen times - are even more startling. Some individual vegetables are yet more efficient. According to Gary Null, "The ideal of eating simply so that everyone may eat, often leads people to an animal-free diet. The logic? Land is capable of supplying food for nearly fourteen times as many people when it is used to grow food for people rather than crops to feed livestock. Cows, for instance, consume approximately sixteen pounds of grain to yield just one pound of flesh! In contrast, it has been estimated that our current yield of plant foods could nourish more than double the world's population, perhaps even turning the world hunger problem around, if meat-consuming societies would curtail their meat demand and free grazing land for the more efficient purpose of growing food crops." We hope that our Eco Restaurants directory will help people all around the country explore the delicious tastes and textures of vegetarian cuisine and appreciate the many benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle!


    Got Milk?  

    A peer-reviewed medical study, in the International Journal of Health Services, suggests that the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone, rBGH, commonly administered to dairy cows to boost milk production, may promote cancer of the breast and colon. This product has been in widespread use on dairy farms in the U.S., and consumers have been drinking milk from these cows - largely unknowingly - for several years. In addition to the cancer risk, injecting rBGH reduces a cows life expectancy and increases her risk of disease, leading to increased use of anti-biotic injections, thus leaving residues of these drugs in the milk. The milk produced by the sick cows is less healthful because mastisis results in increased secretion of white blood cells, or 'pus', into the milk.

  6. i eat fish sometimes because they dont get sent to slaughterhouses....obviously. theyre amazing sources or protein and you can flavor them a lot of different ways!

    and look for the mineral or organic makeup...usually those arent tested on animals. plus if they dont, theyll tell you right on the label.  eat lots of peanut butter and nuts! try to make sure you get a few servings of those kinds of things every day. they have lots of drinks and powders that you mix with water and stuff that have a lot of protein.

  7. for dinner, i eat multigrain cheerios at least a couple times a week(not the healthiest but o well), but it is loaded with vitamins including B12, sometimes i have pancakes(vegan of course), tortilla w/beans, spinich salad, pb&j, spaghetti, veggie burger, pita bread loaded with whatever you like, smart dog,

    to get protein i make sure i drink loads of soy milk, eat beans, nuts, and peanut butter

    i make myself vegan smoothies alot to get in loads of fruits,

    just ask her if she can leave somewtih out the pepperoni and you will cook it yourself that way she doesnt have to really go out of her way,

    here is a list of stuff NOT test on animals, it has shampoo brands and facial wash brands you can use,

    you can also look on there site for things tested on animals,

  8. wouldn't you rather products be tested on animals?  

    i mean it a rat dies from shampoo i sure as heck wouldn't want to use it.....

  9. 1. i live with a meat eaters but i my mom always cooks somthing seperate for me like pasta .... veggie burgers work too and morning star has natural made corndogs and hot dogs and stuff

    2. you can eat the pasta as long as your not eating the actual pepperoni in it

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