
Teen Video Fest?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 3-5 minute video to do in a certain category. I already know the basic idea of what I'm doing for the video, but I'm having a little bit of trouble.

I'm doing suicide prevention. The beginning is a montage and I need quotes for people to say that implies depression and/or suicidal feelings like : "It isn't worth it anymore" or "I want it to stop hurting."

I need short and simple sentences like this to go with the montage so list as many of the best sentences as you can to get the ten points.





  1. Cheery subject matter. : (

    "What do I have to live for?"

    "Five minutes after they find out I'm gone, they'll forget me."

    "This has to stop."

    "She'd be better off if I was dead."

    "My heart is breaking."

    "I'm losing my mind."

    "I can't take this anymore."

    "Someone, help me."

    "I'm worthless."

    "I just want to die."

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