
Teen Wanting to work at Hospital?

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Thanks for taking the time to open this up and helping me out. Im currently 17 and will be turning 18 soon (5months) and i wanted to begin working at the hospital, my future job would have to be radiologist or physician. But that wont be in a long time from now.

So i wanted to no whats a job i can apply for at the hospital as of now that will allow me to get my foot in the door and i can see for myself if this is the enviorment i wanna work in?

Also i wanted to no if i wanted to become a radiologist would the hospital help me in becoming one or help me become a radiologist when im 18?

Thanks again

all serious help are welcomed




  1. You can be a transporter. They just take patients from one part of the hospital to another to get tests done and stuff. A lot of transporters want to be doctors of some sort. It also looks good on your resume because people will think more of you if you're willing to start at the bottom and work your way up to becoming a radiologist. It's not the best job but you don't need any experience and you should have a good chance at getting the job. You just can't be lazy because you will probably stay pretty busy transporting patients.

  2. I've worked in hospitals for many years.  In Michigan you have to be 18 to be hired in.  My advice would be now to become a volunteer and let them know you would like to volunteer in radiology or ER.  This way you can get to know the staff and managers.  When your 18 you would be the more likely candidate to get an open job since you already know the routines of the department.  I have heard too that Radiology techs. get their training paid through the hospital.  You will have to agree to work for that hospital for a time after you graduate as some sort of a contract.  The key is to get your foot in the door and keep climbing the ladder.  Good luck.

  3. A "foot in the door" would be to volunteer as a Candy Striper; a sort of "gofer" for hospital staff and patients. From there you have to take the initiative to ask around, show interest in learning more etc. They will pick up on this and point you in the right direction.

    You can also start signing up for college classes to give yourself a medical background. Good luck!!

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