
Teen diet help for teen girl! ?

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[ please no negitive comment such as: "You're way to young," ]

My name is Teresa , i'm 13 years of age (going into gr.8 in a couple weeks) and i'v been on a new diet plan and fitness plan.

Iv been going to the gym ALL week this week,

and weighed myself which I am now 105, 5'2 i used to weigh 110 2 weeks ago and 116 1 month ago.

My routine this week was:

1- wake up 5:30am have breakfast leave 5:50am for gym

2- Go on oliptical cardio machine for 60min. (600-650cal)

3- ab sets, and workout machines.

4- 5-10lb weights

5- tredmile for 20min

Should I keep doing this? How many times a week since school is starting soon and I wont have that much time.

Heres my diet plan to tell me if i should adjust anything to a healthier/ lower choice, and tell me which one I should choose (OR)

BREAKFAST- activia fat-free yougurt with bannana


100cal curves bar with bannana,


babybell cheese with strawberries.

LUNCH- 1 slice of whole wheat bread folded in half with 2 slices of fat-free turkey, lettuse, and frenches mustard with a sugar free 5cal jello


1 slice of whole wheat bread with 2tbsp of jam folded in half with a peice of fruit (e.g. apple bannana, strawberries, or blueberries)

DINNER- lean cusine frozen entree, with water,


half a turkey sandwhich (same as lunch) with a peice of fruit and water.


P.S- what exercizes can I do to loose inches around waist hips, and loose those awful love handles especially?




  1. just try exercise only. dont go for pills or any medical stupidity because you will only loose your money.

  2. omg girl you are thirteen

    and so am i i understand you wanna have the perfect body

    and i do to im also thirteen... but i weigh 121 and anyone

    who way 105 at age thirteen is skinny minny

  3. Hmm really? A teen diet FOR a teen girl? No way!! Well i'm not a dietrician but using weights, doing plenty of cardio etc will help you shed the poundage.

  4. wow, slow down girl. thats wayy to much sounds to me like..... me. last year i weighed 130 lbs. and i was 5'3, rite now i weigh 85lbs and 5'3. i overexercised and extreme dieted. when i got down to 90 my doctors wouldnt let me exercise anymore, so i refused to eat. i ended up going to the hospital because i was anorexic, and still am, its the hardest thing in the entire world to deal with, you're acually a little underweight, just stay the way you are eat 1500 calories a day (to maintain your weight) and dont exercise sooo much. beleive me my life sucks rite now, i go to the hospital like 3 times a week. I hope this doesnt become you. if you can prevent that from happening, you should. try and appreciate your body ((im a total hippocrite)) but thats deffinately too insane of a diet and workout regime. dont worry about your weight so much. i bet ur beautiful and talk to your doctor and see what she thinks about this, it sounds to me like you have an eating dissorder.

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