
Teen girl beating, how much jail time do you think they'll get?

by Guest62347  |  earlier

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Check this out. The girls who beat up Victoria Lindsey have myspace accounts. Here they are...

UPDATE : The girl named Victoria fortunately, she is doing well. The eight teens are charged with assault, kidnapping and many other ... Here are their Myspaces, leave nasty comments and messages if you like... Mercades Nichols




  1. horrible

  2. check this out.

    yeah, right.

  3. are yous ure that first link is right.?

    haha looks like a dude to me.


  4. I heard the girl was not going to be fine. I heard she might never get her full hearing or sight back on her left side. I think the kids should be severely punished to the max. What's sad though is that now 9 lives are ruined, plus their family's. Stupid idiots, wtf were they thinking? Now they will go to jail, never graduate, never be able to get a good job. Total losers.

  5. The first 3 are all frauds. Maybe somebody else will report you. I got mine.

  6. A couple of them have more serious charges against them - felonies.  So of course those two will get serious time.

    The prosecutor will make the other 6 rat the two bad ones out for a plea bargain.

    My prediction - the ones tried with witness tampering and kidnapping will get 2 years, with actual  time served less than that of course.

    The other 6 will spend a few days in jail, but will not get actual prison or jail sentences, only probation, etc.

    The kid who is only like 14 will be in juvi for a year or so.

    All of them will have criminal records and will be working at mcDonalds and living with their mommy until they are 35 years old.


  7. They should get a heck of a long time.  If Victoria loses any part of her sight or hearing, that will be permanent.  Why should these girls get off lightly for causing someone serious harm.  If the shoe was on the other foot, I'm sure they would be whining and crying up a storm.

    Well, I looked at them and if the first one is any evidence of the c**p that is on the rest, then no wonder these kids have no morales and no conscience.  The language on the first one is offensive and threatening.  My Space should not be allowed.  We didn't have this kind of trouble years ago before we became an addicted computer society.

    I would like to see them behind bars at the mercy of some bull dykes.  Bet they won't be joking about prison then.

  8. all 8 members 2 years in jail

  9. They all look like trailer-trash myspace-whores to me.

  10. theyll get life in prison i bet

  11. They all look like trailer trash to me.  And what's with those doofy guys?  Are they the future baby-daddys?  What I'd like to see is pictures of these stupid gilrs crying behind bars when they realize they are no where near as tough as they think they are.

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