
Teen girls! What do you envy when you see other girls????

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Teen girls! What do you envy when you see other girls????




  1. I envy the way some girls are naturally beautiful. I mean every girl is beautuful in there on way, but some are just given that natural look that you just want.

  2. their beauty

  3. Their hair.... I have horrible hair, it always frizzes up and is hard to manage.

  4. Sometimes there bodies.

    I know its wrong,

    I'm not FAT,

    but i'm not a stick with b***s either.

  5. hmm, i'm s**y and cute but i don't have great skin.

    i envy girls who can wear mini skirts 'coz they are hairless and even-toned and unmarked.

    and girls that can wear bikinis 'coz they are not conscious of their butts hanging out....

    but i'm naturally tanned, & loving it. lol.

  6. bodies

    and natural tan

  7. i sometimes envy tall skinny girls with long hair. i have long hair but im not that skinny also when i see them with their boyfriends it just gets me mad

  8. Girls how can fit into XS at different stores.

    And are a size 00 Waist.


  9. Actually, I really don't care. It just annoys me a little bit when I see some super prep wearing a lot of pink and a lot of make up... but honestly it doesn't really bother me that much because it doesn't affect me in any way really.  If I see someone super skinny, hey good for them.  If I see someone really pretty, I'm not ever attracted to them because I'm straight, so whatever.  I never really care how other people look because it doesn't matter to me.

  10. I envy other girls when they actually look they're age.

    I'm 19 and when I see other 19 year olds who look their age, it makes me upset because I'm tiny and look like a 14 year old. No matter how I dress, I still look much younger than I am.

  11. Usually nothing because I like the way I look, but sometimes I envy their perfect skin like if they have no pimples or freckles and sometimes I envy when they have bigger b***s than me haha.

  12. girls who feel comfortable in bikinis.

    because i know i don't.

  13. When they're pretty, smart and/or funny, really..or if they have a boyfriend.


  14. when i see girls that are skinnier than me and dnt need to worry bout how to hide or get rid of their stomach come bikini season

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