
Teen girls &snoring?

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ok i am 15 im 5'3" around 125

and i know i snore but a while back my cousin slept over and she said that i snore pretty loud i dont want this to affect me if i sleep over my friends house or in the future like with my bf any suggestions to stop the snoring or at least tone it down




  1. I'd get her a Slumber Guard

  2. I don't think that it is weird. There are possible various reasons for snore. Maybe it stops soon. Maybe you find an easy way to avoid it. Maybe it helps to change your sleeping position. Use a higher or lower pillow. Don't eat late in the evening. Don't drink alcohol, of course!

    If this does not help, you could ask your doctor the next time you see her/him. If you snore a lot, there may be some treatment, e.g. dental appliances.

    Heavy snore may not only disturb others' sleep, but it may also disturb your sleep, even with out your notice. Often people don't notice their own snore, but feel very tired at day.

    Ask your family about your snore. Do you stop breathing during sleep? If so, talk to your physician. This could be a sign for sleep apnea.

    First of all care about your health, this is more important than your boyfriend. I don't want to make you worried. Everybody snores sometimes. Maybe your boyfriend thinks it is cute! Many men snore, so they should not care about a woman snoring.

  3. halk up mucus and blow your nose before bed lol  
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