
Teen in Guatemala This Summer?

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my dad lives/works in guatemala, so guatemala is basically a second home. and i've been there about 5 times, but all were just visits. but this summer is my 8th grade summer, and i'll be going into high school. and there are very good spanish programs in Antigua, Guatemala. and my parents are willing to support me if i go. but the worry for the family is that, all the people there are older, and i would end up learning spanish, and going back to the host family and just sleep or be lazy. i'm going to my dad's in the weekend in guatemala city for church. fri-sun. but, i'm pretty much worried. any teens that went to guatemala? for studying spanish? like...i no how to live by myself. i no lots of street smarts, i've stayed home alone for about 5 days, i've been through all sorts of things...i've smoked stuff, drank...i think i can withstand 4 days a week in a host families home...and finally i can do w.e... but i'll be very responsible.




  1. Volunteer while you are there.   Antigua is generally speaking safe and it's beautiful.  Contact NGO's near so you can volunteer.   There are organizations like open windows in San Miguel Duenas where you can help out.  It's a small public library where you can help children read or do their homework.  Many people in Guatemala don't have the resources we have in the first world,  help them out.  You can make a small diference.

  2. no stay with your dad antigua is to dangerous as well as guatemala don't talk english please they will kidnapped you

  3. is not the same as being here!

    their is to much crime and even if you think you can take care of yourself your wrong they will rob you in groups and **** not just one person! and trust me you wont be able to fight back!

    and street smart i doubt it! i am very good with streets and **** here and when i was there **** i was lost as h**l! they confuse the S**t out of you! good luck i suggest you just go with someone else! or stay in guatemala city with your dad there are spanish clases their as well!

  4. street smarts aren't enough with the way things are in guatemala. they are pretty bad, my grandparents live there and thats what they say, but my sister went last year and said it was ok its not that bad. if you feel you can make it and survive you should go for it and be nice to your host family and help them with whatever you can.

  5. Tell the school that arranges a home stay program that you'd like to be with a family that has at least one child your age.  You can easily make friends your age in Antigua.  Be selective about what school you go to, ask them if there will be other people your age.

    It is hard to be in any city where you don't know anybody, but especially in a foreign country.  However, this can make it a really rewarding experience.

    So, what is your question?

  6. i think you should stay wherever you are cause when i was younger i moved to guatemala for school and w/e it was alrite i never got kidnapped or nothing i had so much fun but then when i came back here 5 yrs later school here was so hard cuz its different n i had to do all kinds of tests to see what grade i would back into

  7. be very humble in your host families home. the culture/custom is much different over there.

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