
Teen magazines?

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do you think teen magazines such as seventeen give off a positive or negative overall message and why?




  1. I think half and half.

    Sometimes there is postive message that is given which is: "Be yourself". But, it is often contradicted when they are telling how to dress, how to apply your makeup, and how to look.

    So, I dunno this could be debated for hours on end.

  2. both,

    the modles are stick skinny and nobody needs to be like that. and there all in thetre.

    but its positvae,

    it has articles about poeple that u can actually rrlate to.

  3. I believe magazines like Seventeen and Cosmo Girl give off a postive impact to teenage girls. I get both these magazines every month and it influences me postively because it doesn't show girls that are stick thin. It shows real girls plus size, average, everything and it teaches us beauty is in everyone. It also teaches the right facts about s*x and other health issues.

  4. half and half

    its ok

    but the clothes they advertise and yeah are so expensive most girls can't afford them



  6. mostly positive .


    it mainly just tells you about wut happens in life and thats how it works.

  7. I don't know. Sometimes the stories make you feel good and sometimes not.

  8. Positive I LOVE seventeen magazine it is fab!! ( especially because you get free stuff every month lol )

  9. i think overall these magazines send out negative messages, they pretty much tell girls its ok to hook up with guys. i cant believe some of the articles ive read, i surely wouldnt want by daughter thinking its fine to hook up with random guys. she should at least wait until she has been with a respectable guy that she has been with for a very long time where both are considering marriage if not until marriage. some of their topics on s*x are totally unacceptable. they are teaching our girls to be s***s and not have respect for themselves, they are basically part of the bad media that is sending our youth bad messages.

  10. i think they give positive because they help with commonn teen problems such as s*x and surgeries

  11. I think overall they're positive. In teen magazines (especially Seventeen) they give tons of advice about self-confidence. They also feature models of all sizes and races. They also help girls with real life advice.
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